Chapter Ten

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The four of them – Jack, Sue, Bobby & Tara – attended the early Mass together. The children choir was divine, and though Sue couldn't hear their voices, she could see their sparkling eyes and glowing faces as they sang with all their little hearts.

As they approached the apartment she shared with Jack, Sue glanced at the vehicles they crossed and the ones parked in the street.

"Are you all right," signed Jack, after he turned the ignition off, having noticed her increased agitation.

"Yes." She did her best to give him her brightest smile. It was too late to worry about the outcome, Sue realised, as they stepped inside the building with Tara and Bobby right behind them. She only hoped Howie succeeded.

"I love the Children Mass. It's so much alive," babbled Tara with animation. "I couldn't believe how some of the little ones remained quiet during the entire service."

Somehow Bobby couldn't see any of their children behaving quietly on Christmas Eve, and when he told Tara, her face turned as red as the reindeer nose on her slippers.

Sue and Jack exchanged a knowing glance. The two lovebirds on their couch were heading straight towards the altar at an even faster pace than they had.

"Jack, get the board games out before Tara pulls her gun on me," Bobby implored, flashing his dimples at the petite woman by his side. "Couple against couple, or guys against girls?"

"Guys against girls," both girls exclaimed at the same time, before giggling.

"And I'll get the snacks," said Sue, as she headed to the kitchen, quickly glancing towards the bedroom. The curtains were pulled and the room was dark. She smiled, remembering opening them after they dressed up for church.

"Mate, at least pick a game at which we have a chance to win," yelled Bobby, seeing Jack toss Pictionary over his shoulder.

Trivial pursuit yielded slightly better results for the guys, especially when they hit the sport category.

"That's it I surrender," said Jack, throwing his arms into the air, only to wrap them around the woman he loved moments later. "No more games, unless I'm playing with you," he mouthed for her eyes only.

"And what do you have in mind?" Sue whispered cheekily to his ear.

"Something along their lines," Jack said before gently tilting her head towards the other couple caught in a passionate embrace.

"I told you they were making a cute couple," Sue reminded Jack as she returned her full attention on him. "You know... there's one last present under the tree." Her voice was laced with unconcealed curiosity. "And it has my name on it."

During the evening Jack had given her two of her presents. A soft and fuzzy nightie for the cold winter night and a delicate ornament to hang in the tree. It was a beautiful silver crystal ball with a horse and sleigh painted on it and the words First Christmas Together 2006.

"Trust me, angel, you don't want to unwrap that gift in front of Bobby and Tara." His eyes darkened as he leaned for a breathing kiss.

"Luv, do you think they'll notice if we just slip away?"

"That would be rude," Tara chided him. "And Sue was going to make coffee."

"I think she forgot," Bobby observed, grinning from ear to ear. "But I know how to make very good coffee."

He let his invitation hanging between them...


Jack surveyed the apartment after locking the door behind Tara and Bobby. All the lights, except for the Christmas tree, were turned off. He picked the gift he wrapped in silver and red paper with a green bow on it. As he approached the bedroom, flames leapt on the walls.

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