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Picture above not mine.


Darkness. That was all I could see.

A blackout? Really, now?

Where are the candles at? Wait...where is the door?

I reached out aimlessly, desperately trying to find a direction, or at least a clue on where to go. I reached to the left, cold wall. I reached to the right, my desk. I reached in front of me, my blanket. If I remembered correctly, the direction my desk was is where the door is located. I swing my legs to the right and stood up. I walked slowly to the direction I think where the location of the door is. My arms flailing, trying to see if I'm close enough to the wall. Or door.

But unfortunately for me, my head hit the wall. "Ouch!" I whisper shouted. I have no clue why I made an effort to stay quiet. My head started to ache. I reached out my arm, actually succeeding in finding the doorknob. I grasped the cold metal and turned it, resulting the door opening.


This is starting to sound like a horror movie. I am not, I repeat, not, going to make those idiotic decisions the main character usually makes.

I could now slightly see, thanks to the moons light going through the windows. I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. I opened the bottom cabinet and took out a candle and match. I lit up the candle, to see a pair of two, unblinking eyes staring at me from the corner of the room. My eyes widened in horror, but in a blink of an eye, it disappeared. Ah, I guess I'm now going insane. I directed the candle to the clock. It was 9:05. My parents should be on their way home now.

Click! Clack! Click! Clack! Click! Clack!

Footsteps. I heard footsteps outside, getting closer and closer. I have no idea why, but my heartbeat accelerates, and my breath hitched.

Knock! Knock!

They're just outside the door. I tried to calm myself, but failed. I tiptoed towards the door and peeked at the window right next to the door.
Once I saw who they were, I smiled sheepishly. I opened the door for my parents.

"How did your day go, sweetie? And why are you shaking?" My Mom questioned with her eyes filled with worry.

"My day went great. A few strange things happened, but besides that it's been fine. And it's cold, so..." I answered.

"Okay then, (Y/N). You could go and sleep if your tired." My Dad grinned.

"Before I do, why were you two walking home?"

"We parked the car but forgot to buy some groceries. We just walked there. Didn't you hear the car?" My Mom asked.

"No...Anyways I'll sleep now. Thanks." I headed to my room and went straight to bed. Before the darkness welcomed me, I thought of tomorrow. How would I survive school without you?

The next day...

I open my eyes to see my (F/C) and Black bedroom wall. I rolled over and looked at the clock with my tired eyes. It was 6:45 am. I blinked a few times, trying to get a clear vision.

Forgotten Promises: A Ticci Toby X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now