Chapter Nine

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"Give me love like never before, 'cause lately I've been craving more. And it's been a while but I still feel the same. Maybe I should let you go." ~'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran


"Excuse me, miss, would you care to order now?" The impatient waiter asked for the third time that night.

"No, thank you, my date is obviously not present," she snapped, sending him a glare. "Check on me in ten minutes, 'kay?"

The waiter let out an undignified noise and scuttled off. Katherine sighed and took out her compact, checking her teeth. She tapped a manicured finger on her canines nervously.

"What am I doing here?" She murmured to herself. She knew the answer: William Sherlock Scott Holmes. God, how she missed him. She nearly had a heart attack when she saw the photograph in the office of Dr. John Watson, her father's doctor. She was not a devout believer in fate, but this happening was more than coincidental.

She thought of the photo and smiled to herself. William looked just like she remembered; same thick dark curls, same intelligent eyes, same pale skin.

'My William,' she thought, her heart doing a tiny flip. Soon she'll be able to see him. All she had to do was get close enough to John to be introduced to his flatmate. From then on it was a cakewalk.

'What if he doesn't want to see me?' A tiny voice whispered in her head. 'What if he and John are more than friends? What if they're actually gay lovers?'

"Stop!" She hissed at herself. "Don't be ridiculous! William would never love anyone other than himself!" A nauseating feeling swept over her. She could almost taste the rejection in the back of her throat. That day she confessed her love to him-

"Hey." A voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked up to find a very distressed John standing before her. He looked like a nervous wreck.

She forced herself not to mirror his expression and instead put on an 'I'm so concerned for your well being' face.

"Is everything alright?" She asked cautiously.

"Ya," John closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Actually, no, it's not. I'm sorry, I have to leave."

Katherine felt the wind get knocked out of her. Oh god, he found her out. Somehow or another, he knew her true intentions.

"Oh no, why?" She managed to ask, her palms sweating in her lap.

"It's Sherlock," John said. "God, I'm so sorry, but he's in big trouble, and I really have to go and help him this time."

A huge weight was lifted off Katherine, but a new feeling of dread settled. She tried to laugh. "Are you always leaving your dates to help your flatmate?" She teased halfheartedly.

"To be honest, yes," John said seriously, hurriedly throwing on his coat. "I am sorry about this, but he really needs me. We can reschedule the date, or you can have my number or whatever," he continued on distractedly while fumbling through his wallet. "I'll pay, my treat."

"Wait!" Katherine exclaimed, grabbing his arm. "Is there anything I can do? I want to help him!"

John looked at her with suprise. "Um, I don't think so. But thanks, that's really kind for you to want to help a guy you've never met."

Katherine let out a nervous chuckle, mentally kicking herself for nearly blowing her cover. "Ya, I guess that's just how I am," She said weakly.

"Thank you for understanding," John smiled gratefully, placing a business card in her hand. "Here's my number, call me anytime." He placed a light kiss on her cheek and rushed to the door.

Skinny Love: A Johnlock FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now