Chapter Five

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Fifteen dresses, eight different stores, three coffee trips, one mental breakdown from my sister and I still haven't found a dress for the wedding.

Lyle calls me to him and shows me a strap-less teal and gold dress that is utterly breath-taking. I finger the fabric and note that Emily wanted a solid pinkish or green color and I sigh.

"Emily wants pink or green..." I trail off.

"You could at least try it on." He protests.

"But I'm not going to be able to wear it anyway." I know that if I try it on I'm not going to want to leave the store without it.

"What about the rehearsal dinner; you could wear it there."


"No excuses; now try it on." I was about to protest again, when he continued,"Please, for me?" 

"Okay..." I reluctantly take the dress off the rack and enter the dressing room. I pull on the dress and look at myself in the mirror. I instantly decide that I have to get it even though I won't be able to wear it in the wedding. I exit the room and see Lyle look up at me stunned. I blush and search for the price tag. My face falls as I see that it's over one hundred dollars—just because my parents are rich, doesn't mean that I am.

Once Lyle finds his voice, he speaks up, "Why do you look sad?" he walks over to me, "You're so beautiful."

"I can't get it." I state, crestfallen.

"Why not?" he asks in a whisper.

 I show him the price tag and his eyes go wide at the large amount of money printed on the tag. He drops the tag and I walk back into the dressing room to take it off before I fall more in love with it. Before I can fully pull it from my body, it gets stuck. I start to silently panic as I flail around trying to loosen it from me with no avail.

I loudly whisper, "Pssst, Lyle." He doesn't hear me so I repeat his name louder this time, "Lyle!"

I hear him hurrying as a few curse words escape his mouth as he trips. "Yeah?" he asks.

"Um, I'm, kind of, stuck." I answer sheepishly.

I hear him laugh as he responds in a voice you would use on a small child, "Aw, does Katie need help?"

"A little." I answer, the first 'l' coming out as a 'w'.

He starts to open the door as I yell out, "Wait!" before he can fully pull it open.

"Yes?" he asks, trying to stifle a laugh.

"Can you, um, could you close your eyes?"

"How am I going to help you with my eyes closed?" he asks.

I think about it for a minute and say, "I'll talk you through it."

"But-" he starts as I cut him off saying, "Please?"

"Okay, my eyes are closed; I am opening the door now."

 "Okay." I choke out.

He closes the door behind him and I am guessing he is now facing me.

"Now, how are we going to do this?" he asks.

"Um, okay, um, reach your hand out to the side." I hear him move and continue, "Now, move it until you..." I trail off, expecting him to know what I was going to say. I feel his cold hand touch the side of my stomach and jump away.

"Sorry," he says and I hear him breath into, what I assume is, his hands.

He reaches out again and his hands are warmer this time as he touches my naked side once again.

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