#5 you have a boyfriend

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Michael: "Can't you stay...?" Michael begged as he grabbed onto your waist. You sighed and removed his arms from around your waist and raised your eyebrows upward at him. "I'm meeting his family for the first time, Mike. I can't not go just to stay here and play video games with you." You rolled your eyes at him then turned around, trying to pick out the right earrings that complimented your outfit the best. You saw him pouting in the mirror and you tried your hardest to not acknowledge him. "Michael, I swear to god." You groaned as you turned to see him smiling now. "You're going to stay?!" He asked cheerfully. You smiled then dropped the smile, glaring at him. "No." You turned back around and touched up your hair. You wanted everything to go perfect and you love when your boyfriend compliments you. It makes you feel better about yourself and you actually feel good in your skin. "(Y/N)........" He stretched out your name and you smacked your head and turned around. "What, Michael?!" "What does he have that I don't?" He muttered under his breath. You looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" His eyes popped open and looked up at you. "You heard that?" You stood there with a confused look on your face. "Yes, of course I did? You asked me a question did you not?" You were beginning to get fed up with him. He sighed and looked up at you. "I love you." You smiled at him and patted him in the cheek. "I know and I love you, too." "No, (Y/N). I love you. Like I'm in love with you." You stood there in front of him shocked, unsure of what to say to him. You cleared your throat and looked at your phone. "I'm going to be late if I don't go. Um, I'll see you later or something." You walked out of his house, leaving him behind. You felt like an ass, but you had no idea what to say to him. You felt horrible, but decided to try and forget and try to have fun with your boyfriend.

Ashton: "Why do I have to do this?" Ashton complained as he held the script up. You looked over at him and pouted. "I usually have Klayton help me, but he's busy working on a project for science, so I asked you to help me!" You smiled at him and stood in your place. "I'm not doing the kissing scene. Klayton would kill me." He said as he read through the script. You rolled your eyes at him and sighed. "Just read your lines and I'll do the acting, you just help me with memorizing." You told him as you stood a few feet away from him. "You mean to tell me that you've been fooling around behind my back?" You started to circle around Ashton who was laughing at you. You ignored him and he looked at the paper. "That's preposterous. I never would do such a thing!" He over exaggerated everything and you tried not to laugh at him for not taking this seriously. "Then explain the lipstick marks on your neck, or the smell of a perfume that I've never worn in my life on your shirt you wore last night. You try to tell me you've been faithful to me when you've been running off with other women without my knowledge? Well, it ends here, Gregory. This ends now and I will not - Oh get your filthy hands off of me you imbecile!" You yelled at Ashton who was taken back at you raising your voice. He knew when you were acting you were in a whole different world. "Please, my love, understand that I have never been unfaithful to you." "Bull! That is bull and both you and I know it. Don't string me along anymore because I am no longer your marionette. I am a human being and I deserve to be treated like one." You shoved Ashton and he laughed at you once again. You cracked a smile then shook your head, getting back into character. You watched as he stared at the script for a few moments, not saying his line. "Um, Ash? You can go." You told him and he looked up at you and nodded his head. "But my dear, Victoria, you know my love for you is never ending and will last forever. The first moment I laid eyes on you I knew I had to have you. You were a goddess and I was not going to stop till you were mine. What makes you think I would do such a thing to such a beautiful creature like yourself?" He took a step towards you and stroked your cheek, just like in the script. You were slightly taken back to how well he had said the lines. "And that's the scene where we kiss." You laughed and he nodded slowly, staring at you. "You know, Ashton, you're pretty good when you try." You smiled at him and he just nodded his head slowly, never changed the expression on his face. "I guess I could just relate to the first part." He muttered, finally breaking the gaze between the two of you. You nodded your head slowly and took the script from him, reading over some things to make sure you had everything right. You were extremely confused on why he had acted that way, but just brushed it off.

Calum: "This is the third time this week that he's ditched you, (Y/N)..." Calum explained to you as you sat on your bed crying. You called Calum and asked him to come over to try and get your boyfriend off your mind, but it was hard when you were talking about the situation. You wouldn't have been so upset over him ditching you if you weren't in love with him. No matter what he did you always found yourself running back to him with open arms. It was highly unlikely for you to leave him. "I know, Cal, and I know that I should do something, but I won't. I love him too much. He's probably busy or something." You shrugged your shoulders and Calum just looked over at you with a disappointed look on his face. "You know what he's like, (Y/N). You know how he says whatever it takes to make you happy. He knows exactly what to say to you to make you not mad at him and you fall for his antics every time. I don't understand how you can continue to let him hurt you like that. You deserve better." He removed his stare from you and looked at the wall in front of him. You started to feel slightly angry at him for saying that. He doesn't understand exactly what you go through so he has no say. "You've never been in love before, so how the hell do you know how I'm feeling? You don't know how hard it is to let him go!" You raised your voice at him and he turned to you once again; this time standing up. "I do know what it's like to be in love and you know what else I know? I know what it's like to be so in love with someone and having to try to pick up the pieces every time her asshole of a boyfriend breaks her down. It's hard having to see her always come running to me when her boyfriend does something wrong. I don't understand how she can be with him when she knows I can and would treat her so much better." He shook his head at you and walked out of your room. You were left there feeling extremely hurt and confused, not knowing that's how he felt about you...

Luke: The boys had all come over to your house for a movie night. Your boyfriend, Curtis, was gone for the weekend and you wanted to hang out with the boys all together since you haven't for a while. You were getting the popcorn together and walked out to the living room to place two of the bowls out. You stopped behind the one wall once you heard the boys talking. Normally, you wouldn't have eavesdropped, but they were talking about you, so you were curious. "Then tell her Luke. If you like her, tell her." You almost dropped the bowls of popcorn right then and there. "That's the thing though... I don't just like her. I love her and that's the problem." You heard Luke sigh and you felt your heart stop. Your best friend loves you and you are just finding out... The worst part is that you're finding out because you're eavesdropping. This is probably something he didn't want you to know. "I don't want to say anything to her because I don't want it to affect hers and Curtis' relationship. He's a cool guy and I know how happy he makes her. I don't want to ruin her happiness for my own selfish needs. I could never bring myself to do that..." The room fell silent and you heard low mumbles. You shook your head as you tried to ignore everything you had just heard. "Popcorn is ready!" You called out as you brought out the two bowls of popcorn. They all immediately shut up and looked at you with a suspicious look. "Don't worry. I didn't poison it." You laughed as you put the popcorn in front of them. You looked over at Luke and gave him a small smile and he looked away from you. You took that as your cue to forget what you had just heard.

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