" I wish the goblins would take you away...Right now"

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^^Regina and Queenie up top^^

Regina's POV

I sat in my room reading the book 'Laybrinth' once again,dreaming. No. Hoping that the goblin king could come and whisk me away from this hellhole.

With a sigh i place my book down on my bed, walking slowly to my door, as i walked towards it i heard yelling betwwen my mother,Sarah, and my sister,Queenie.

Opening the door slowly, the yelling increased in its volume making it sound like the firey's from the story yelling and laughing at each other but their was no laughing in this argument. I decended my way down the stairs slowly watching the two.

"Why do I have to Regina Mother" queenie yelled. Oh so this fight is about me again, Great.

"Because your father and I are going out tonight and you need to babysit your sister" Mother yelled obviously mad.

"She's old enough to take care of herself" I watched as Queenies arms fly up into the air, trying to make a point.

"Queenie. Your Father and I hardly evr go out and with you going out nearly every weekend to see your friends is unfair and what about your sister.Huh. She's always up in her room all by herself cause she has no friends to talk to or an older sister to chill with.*sigh* I just want you to watch her tonight. You know how she gets, talking to her stuffed teddy bears and always reading that stupid book over and over again. I just dont know what to do with her anymore" I watch as my Mother and Sister hug it out and slowly run back upstairs to my room, closing the doore quickly.

'so. thats what they think of me' I though slowly going back to my bed and grapping the book.

*Magical 1 hour time skip brought to you by The amazing Golbin King, Jareth*

I hear faint knocking on my door " Sweetheart, your Father and I are going out now. I love you."

I stare at the door with a glare, scoffing slightly. Knowing that if she 'loved' me then she wouldnt talk about me the way she does.

I hear the sound of her heels fade down the hallway, sitting up from my position, I slowly walked over to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror .

"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered. I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the goblin city" I paused for a dramatic scilence "To take back the child you have stolen"  I sighed delighted that i got the words right.

I stood up and walked to the window ledge to see the same old white barn owl.

I smiled to myself, Yes i dont have friends but to me this owl made me feel, strangely, at home. Opening up the window I smiled at the creature before me.

" Hello beautiful" I cooed, I watched as it fluffed its feathers and hoot softly.

"Are you hungery little fella" I watched shocked to see the owl nod its head.

"Come in then and ill give you some food". This is most likely why mother doesnt seem to like me so much and why she probibly calls me weird.

I walked over to my dresser and opend a draw to pull out bird pellets, i recently brought these after seeing the owl by my window last week.

"Here you go" I held my hand out to the bird.

I watched in awe as it hopped over to me, I could feel the small smile forming on my face, It slowly leaned down and peaked the pellets out of my hand, hooting ever so softly. I bit my lip deciding wether or not I should pet the bird, but sadly my will for touching something soft and fluffy broke as I brought my hand out slowly not to startle the bird, I slowly and gentely strock it's left wing but what shocked me the most was the bird flying up to my shoulder, nuxxling my neck.

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