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Previously on The Queen of the labyrinth*

I watched as Regina leave with the Labyrinth vines, looking to the floor in realisation, knowing I pushed to far. Hearing a chuckle come from across the room I looked at Chris "God. Jareth. You're making this to easy. Now after that little fiasco, Regina will be falling into my hands and make me King of the Labyrinth, while you rot in a jail cell" I watched as he turned to leave.
"You wont get away with this Chris. Regina will find out one way or another" I glared at  him.
He laughed once more "Are you sure?" and with that he left the room in a cloud of smoke....Who really is this 'Chris' and where does he come from..........

*Jareths Pov*

Its been a week and I still haven’t seen or talked to Regina in that week and while that’s happened, I have been studying, reading, doing everything to find out what Chris is and I think I might know exactly what.

My Mother, Glenda Good Witch Of The South, talked about my aunt Zelenna, The wicked witch.

Saying how she created spies to watch the people of Oz, called Germen Radicum Eius or Watcher in English.

I believe that Chris might be one.

As Mother mentioned that they are simular to a Kitsune,Trickster spirt and that they find joy tricking people that are royal or in relationships.

Their real appearance its simular  to the flying monkeys but they are a fox/squirrel thing with red eyes and for one to reveal their true self, water, being sprayed on them makes them show themselves.

I smiled finally finding out what the bloody demon is, standing out of my chair, Grabbing the book and tucking it under my arm.

I turned to the door "I need to tell Regina this new information"

Running out of the room and to the gardens hoping.


Praying that my Queen will understand.

*Time skip to Jareth arriving to the gardens, cause im to lazy*

I arrived to the entrance of the garden, walking closer to the door, I hear giggling. Smiling brightly, I pushed the door open.

"My Queen, my Queen" I yelled out to only spot her underneath Chris.

My body shook with rage "Get off of her" I walked forward grabbing him by the back of his shirt, pulling him off Regina.

Regina got up and put her hand on her hip "We are only playing Jareth" She hissed.

I flinched at the venom in her tone "My Love. I need to speak to you privately" I prayed she'd just say yes.

"Fine. Chris go to the thrown room, I'll see you in a minute" I watched as she flashed her a smile at Chris before turning to me with a straight blank face.

I watched as Chris left the room before clearing my throut "Regina. This is about Chris."

I watched her roll her eyes "What about Chris. Is he to close to me, is he making you jelous, what has he done?"

"He is what they call a Germen Radicum Eius or Watcher in English. They are like a trickster spirt that spies on people and break relationships up"

I watched as she laughed "That’s ridiculous Jareth"

I shook my head " No it's not. Ever since he has been he we have grown distant, haven’t cuddle, kissed, even held each others hand"

"Jareth" I watched as Regina crossed her arms.

"No Regina. I believe that he is one, all you have me do is spray water at him or you with your wand"

"I still don’t believe that we have grown distant"

I cleared my throat,

"I can see it in your eyes as I am stumbling home
You living with the man that you no longer know
You forgot to smile as I catch you by

Now we sitting down for dinner we got nothing to say
It's like I am watching you slowly slipping away
From me, from me

Remember when I used to make you laugh
And every joke was better than the last
Tell me how to bring you back to this
Maybe I just need to reminisce and work it out

*I watched Regina's eyes widen and as she slowly smiled at me*

What happened to perfect
What happened to us
We used to be worth it
We never gave up
It wasn't on purpose
But it hurts like it was
Nobody deserves this
What happened to perfect

If you left me baby where would you go
I can't imagine you ever being alone
I am a gentleness man but I try to understand
So many things to say I don't know where to start
I can't pick up the pieces of a crumbling heart
So true so true

Remember when I used to make you laugh
And every joke was better than the last
Tell me how to bring you back to this
Maybe I just need to reminisce and work it out

What happened to perfect
What happened to us
We used to be worth it
We never gave up
It wasn't on purpose

But it hurts like it was
Nobody deserves this
What happened to perfect
What happened to perfect
What's under the surface
It used to be love

Would you call if you heard this
Would you know it was us
It wasn't on purpose

*Regina took a step toward me and smiled brightly*

But it hurts like it was
Nobody deserves this
What happened to perfect
Nobody deserves this
I can see it in your eyes as I am stumbling home
You living with a man you no longer know
You forgot to smile"

I watched as a couple of tears fall down her beautiful face.

She looked at me with an apologetic expression "My King. Im sorry i didn’t believe you" She cried out and pulled herself into a hug with me.

I kissed the top of her head and smiled "All is forgiven"

We pulled apart to hear clapping.

" Well done Jareth. Gosh, Zelenna, should have destroyed everything your mother ever written"

We both turned to the source of voice, and what a surprise its Chris.

"Chris. Why, why try to split us" Asked Regina

"For fun of course. I mean god, it was so fun making you not trust or believe you 'King'. So easy"

"You will pay" She growled.

"Oh really. What you going to do, princess"

I watched as Regina pull out her wand "Germinat Aqua"(shoot water in Latin)

I watched as a stream of water hit Chris's body and him screaming "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU"

We watched this hybrid creature fly at us and thinking quickly, I grabbed Regina's wand and shouted,

"PRAEMIUM" (explode in Latin)

We watched Chris's body swell up and then explode into nothing but flowers and ash.

'Well that’s odd' I thought.

Regina turned to me and hugged me "Im sorry for not believing you"

I smile at her "You can make it up to me" I said with my famous smirk on my face.

She smirked back and grabbed my hand "Let's go then your Majesty"
An we didn’t sleep at all for that night...

A/N:Well that’s that chapter. Only 2 more chapters before the squeal. Gosh and this started not so long ago. I'm also sorry i missed out last week, i was busy but thank you for reading and I will see you next week in the next chapter. BYE-BYE

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