Chapter Six

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I was falling from The Ledge, my Mom on the top and screaming my name as I fell. My stomach lurched and I knew I was going to die. But before I could finish the thought, strong hands grabbed me and stopped my fall. When I looked up, it was Heph, smiling "did you really think I would let you die like this?" I was so shocked I couldn't speak, Heph was still smiling as he said "we have other plans for you" and again I saw that he held that same long, silver knife in his hand. But this time he put the tip on my chest, right on top of my heart, then gave me a monstrous grin "don't worry, it will be over soon" and pushed the knife all the way.

Someone was screaming my name, but it wasn't Mom. And when I opened my eyes I realized it was Robin, his eyes so wide I could see white around his irises "RUE, RUE wake up. WAKE UP" and I jerked upright, throwing him off the bed "what? Where–what happened? Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" he said, getting up "Rue you were screaming in your sleep" I was? Great, now Mom and Dad were going to come rushing up "I'm fine, just a nightmare," I said "where are Mom and Dad?" it was six in the morning. After a pause "hospital" Robin said quietly, "what?! Why the hospital? What happened?" had someone gotten hurt? Well, of course someone had gotten hurt, but who? "Nana" Robin whispered, "she fell from the stairs, and is currently in the ER having a surgery" he sniffed a little. Nana, my grandmother who we loved more than anyone, who came over every weekend and told us stories that even my parents sat down to listen to. No, NO, this couldn't be happening "and they didn't wake me up to take me?" I said as I flung myself out of bed, "they told me to tell you to stay home until they called and that even if we went there she was still in surgery, it wouldn't make any difference" I went to my closet, got my jeans and a t-shirt "oh, to hell with that. I'm going" Robin said "but–"

"This is Nana we're talking about, Robin. And whether you are coming or not I am going there, so what's it going to be?" after a moment, he nodded and said "get dressed, I'll go put my shoes on and lock the doors" I nodded and he headed downstairs.

We got out and took a cab; I couldn't afford to waste any time walking. When we got there and I asked the woman at the reception, she told me where she was and we hurried there, finding Mom and Dad on the third floor, Dad pacing and Mom sitting with her hands in her lap.

When Dad saw me, his eyes widened and he half growled "I thought I told you to stay home" like hell I was "this is my grandmother Dad, you knew I was going to come so just tell me how she is" Mom quietly said "Cal, calm down honey" Dad sighed and said "she fell down the stairs. Her neighbor–Mrs. Washington–found her when she heard Lui barking like hell. She called 911 and they brought her here. She hit her head pretty badly and had to be taken to the ER as fast as possible, that's all we know for now" Lui–Nana's five-year-old dog–he must be at Mrs. Washington's place. Robin sat next to Mom and put his head on her shoulder and she stroked his hair. I felt tears sting my eyes and Dad pulled me into a hug "she will be fine, and she'll come over this Saturday like always, you'll see...".

And so we sat there for about an hour. When the doctor finally came out, I kept a few paces back as Mom and Dad nearly tackled the doctor, and he said "the operation was somewhat successful"

"What do you mean somewhat successful?" my Mom said, her expression torn between anger and worry "we did the best we could, and she is now stable, but...she has fallen into a coma, we still don't know if it is serious but we will keep her under watch" coma. I couldn't get the word out of my head. I realized I had backed away a step without even knowing it. Mom covered her mouth with a hand and Robin held the other. Dad's face was strained, and he looked like he refused to accept this. No Dad, I thought, Nana is not coming over this Saturday. Tears blurred my vision and this time I let them fall, I staggered back and once I reached the stairs. I started running.

I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't care. Nana was in a coma, one that she possibly wasn't waking up from. I cried harder, ran harder. And next thing I knew I was on The Ledge panting and sobbing. Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I jerked, nearly falling. And for a second I thought of my dream. It kind of sounded pleasant now, falling from The Ledge or a knife to the heart would hurt less than this. I turned and saw green eyes looking back at me. Jordan looked...I've never seen him like this, concern and fear covering his features "Rue, are you okay? What happened?" I couldn't stop sobbing "m–my grandmother, sh-she is–" I couldn't finish it, I just couldn't. Jordan put his hands on my shoulders and gently said "calm down okay? Breathe." I tried to, but that one word kept shattering whatever self-control I was gathering over and over "take a deep breath and try to tell me what happened, is your grandmother okay?" I managed to shake my head and finally say "she fell from the stairs and was hurt badly, she fell into a coma" his face softened and he put his arms around me, stroking my hair "you know, my grandmother passed away when I was nine, I barely remember her. But when I do get fragments of memories, I see her smiling in all of them. I might not know what it's like to have her but I know that I loved her so much. Just as I know you love yours too, so get those tears off your face, and go be there for her. Because I know what it feels like to regret not being there for someone you love, even if they were not aware of it" his words stirred something in me, and I knew he was right; crying wasn't going to do any good, I had to be there for her, for my family. We were going to get through this together.

So I pulled back and nodded, Jordan wiped my tears and said "do you need a ride?" and I said "don't you have work to do?" he smiled and said "of course I do, but where is the fun in sticking to rules?" and we got off The Ledge.

We were on our way to the hospital when Mom texted me "where are you?!" and I replied, "on my way back, sorry I left".

When we got there and I said goodbye to Jordan, I went straight to the third floor, but I didn't find them where I last left them. Could I have made a wrong turn or something? I went back to the reception and they told me they had now moved her to a private room. How long was I gone? I found them at last, in a small private room; Mom was clearly trying not to cry as she stared at Nana, and Robin's eyes were red, Dad was nowhere to be seen though. Mom looked up and rushed towards me, looking me over "Rue, are you okay?" she hugged me, and I felt guilt wash through me; they must have felt as bad as I did, and instead of being rational I ran away like a kid "I'm fine Mom, and I am sorry I left" she stroked my hair "it's okay"

"Where is Dad?" I asked, "he went to get us something to eat," she said, and when I looked over at the clock it was already eight thirty. I hadn't realized I was gone for so long, so I sat down on Nana's bed and took her hand; if it wasn't for the medical pipes and bruises, she looked like she could have been asleep, I felt like I was going to cry again.

After a while Dad came back with coffee and bagels, we ate and stayed there by her side, telling her about what had happened lately, Robin talking proudly about how he was captain of the soccer team now, even though he was almost the youngest one on the team. Mom and Dad insisted that Robin and I go home tonight even though we put up a good fight, but the decision was final.

We didn't talk much on the way home, and after dinner, he went to his room. After the dishes I checked up on him and went to my room too; I had a lot of homework to do. I went to bed at about eleven, I was exhausted and wanted to sleep, nightmares or no.

I jerked awake at a sound coming from downstairs; a thump, then something that sounded like footsteps. I thought it might be Robin, but after what happened with Heph I didn't trust anything anymore. So I got up and went to Robin's room first; he was there, asleep. And that sound I heard coming from downstairs was not normal. So I went inside his room, picked up his baseball bat, mustered up some courage and headed towards the noise. As soon as I put my foot on the bottom stair, the noise stopped and was replaced with utter silence. My heart started hammering and I contemplated turning the lights on. But if someone or something was here, I didn't want it to know where I was, staying hidden would be to my advantage as much as it would be for the attacker. And so I tried to remember all the things I had read. Fantasy or no, they could come in handy; keep your senses open and move quietly, be prepared for something you won't like, and be ready to start swinging. Don't aim blindly and try as hard as you can not to panic. Good enough, for now. So I moved forward; the kitchen was empty and so was the living room, but I thought I heard footsteps near my Dad's office, so I headed there, conscious of every nook and cranny. When I got there, I found that the door was opened a crack. I took a deep breath and went in. I saw nothing at first and everything seemed normal. But then my Dad's chair turned, and in it sat a man I had never encountered. Eyes glittering like Heph's "hello, Rue" he purred.    

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