Just Friends....Right?

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Ricky and i left the next morning after we ate some strange breakfast. The reason i say its strange is because of the meat that they served with it. I'm certain that wasn't real sausage. It was more than likely human or something. Anywho, we were on the road again playing the god forsaken licence plate game and sipping on starbucks. 

I took another sip of my vanilla latte, "Can we stop so i can get a pack of cigs?"

Ricky looked over at me then back at the road, "I don't mind you smoking off me, you know."

"I know, but i don't like that because it makes me feel like i owe you." I looked over at the cars on the interstate beside us.

"You don't owe me anything, Ivory." He sighed. He's been in some type of mood all morning, and it's really starting to piss me off. He literally fought me over the rules to the licence plate game earlier.

I glared at the side of his face, "Just fucking stop at the next gas station, and stop being a dick. Stop fighting me on every little thing. Just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you can take it out on me." I scooted down in my seat and muttered, "I thought me agreeing to be your friend would make you happy."

He just shook his head, sighed, and lit another cigarette. We continued driving in complete silence, not even the radio was on. When we finally reached an exit and pulled into a gas station, i jumped out of the car quickly, wanting nothing other than to be away from him. I walked into the store grabbing a Dr. Pepper for when i finish my coffee and a bag of Cheetos, and walked to the cashier. We exchanged small talk consisting of where are you heading and how has your day been, i got my cigarettes, and left. When i walked outside, i saw that another car of what i consider to be "Bro's" had pulled up. As i walked passed them, they wolf whistled and called out things like "Hey baby" and "Why don't you come with us". I just ignored them and headed to Ricky's car. Ricky was standing at the pump getting gas, and he looked vivedly angry. 

I felt someones hand on my shoulder, and i spun around,"What?"

One of the "Bro's" was there. He was dressed in some type of thick strapped tank with blue and yellow stripes going across it, khaki shorts, and flip flops with socks. What a dick. "Hey sweetheart, why don't you join us for a quick lunch?" He flipped his blonde hair.

"In your dreams, Justin Beaver." I turned around and continued walking away.

"It's Bieber, not Beaver." He yelled and i rolled my eyes. 

I set my stuff in the front passenger seat and turned to look at him, "You would know, wouldn't you?"

"Hanging out with us would be ten times better than hanging out with that goth fag." He yelled and his buddies laughed.

"Excuse me?" I started walking towards him.

"You heard me." He said when i got in arms reach of him.

My right fist immediately met his nose, "At least he's not spending his life getting drunk, stoned, and date raping girls, you sad, pathetic piece of shit." He was holding his nose as i punched him in the center of his chest. "At least he doesn't live off his daddy's money, because he's to stupid to get a real job." I kneed him in the groin. "At least he doesn't feel the need to compensate for a small dick, so he picks on others calling them 'goth fags'."

He was lying on the ground in the fetal position holding his nose and nuts while crying. I looked at his friends, "Anyone else want to tallk shit?"

When they all shook their heads, i walked back to Ricky's car, got in, and lit a cigarette. He had already finished pumping gas and was smoking already.

"That was umm extremely hot." He struggled for words as he started the car.

"Just drive." I muttered rubbing the knuckles on my right hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Finally Home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Thanks, Ricky. It was fun. We should do it again sometime." I got out of the car and reached in the back to get my bags.

"Yea, you should definitely get addicted to coke again, and i should pick you up again, and..." He started saying.

I interrupted, "You know what i mean, jackass." I closed the door and walked around to his door.

"Well.." He started, "i'll see you around."

 "Okay." I leaned in and hugged him. "Bye." I waved as i walked away.

"Bye." He waved back. "Oh and ivory?"

"What?" i turned to look at him. 

"I was mad that you agreed to be my friend, because i wanted you to say you wanted to be more." He yelled and started his car.

I just stood there in total shock as he drove away. I sighed, "Good fucking grief." i muttered and turned to walk inside.

My love for my rockstar (a Ricky horror fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now