♥️chapter 4♥️

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"how was it honey?" dad questions me the instant i get in the door. I know he's only concerned but i'm too tired i just wanna sleep "i'm fine" i mumble and trudge upstairs to my room to rest my eyes. Just before i have time too i get a facetime from a random number. I pick up in hope of it being ana or saff and to my surprise i am greeeted with conor's face.

"well Alyssa hello" -in a strange accent
"wow conor you never phase to amaze me with your range of strange voices"
"oi did you know i can sing?"
"trying to show off in front of a girl are we?" - flips hair back and smirks
"no never have i ever!" -plays with hair
"oi i'm joking you gonna show me your voice then mr maynard?"
"well i mean yeah it's just a silly song i've been working on...just don't pay attention to the lyrics though i mean i'm not like a man whore or something" - laughs
"OKAY OKAY! just do it"
"*sings start of cant say no" - stops and waits for a reaction
"wow i am fully stunned you can actually sing really well...-claps- on the other hand who sends your rockets to the sky" - winks and giggles
"yo- i mean idk it's not exactly aimed" -laughs it out

I facetime conor until 7:30 when dad calls me down and we get on so well. It's like a best friend i've never had. We have so much in common and we joke like nobody's business! I wish we could be closer. He flirts with me constantly. I just wish we could be more than we are.

"oi sunshine you haven't spoken to me since 3:30 and even then it was just a word what's up?" dad says hugging me patting the sofa next to me ushering me to join him.
"nothing dad i'm just really tired! i had such a great first day it was amazing i made some amazing friends honestly" i smile and i honestly feel so happy. Happier than i have in a long time. I eat tea with dad and we catch up about his job and school and i tell him all about cami and he tells me how he did a similar thing when he was at school (which is where i must have got this sudden attitude from), we talk about mum and what went wrong with dad and her, we talk about boys and how i've never fallen in love, we talk about lola and how much dad what's to see here, we talk about why dad never stayed in touch. It's a long night which finally comes to a close at about 11:30pm i am just about to drift off when i get a text from conor:

conor😍🌶🔥: hey babes, really enjoyed chatting tonight hope you sleep well and dream sweeet dreams (obviously about me😉) and we will speak tomoz in tutor sending love of love xxxx♥️

i smile at the message and decide to reply in the morning.

{{shorter chapter i'm sorry}}

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