I have a filler!

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This chapter is dedicated to @lynzieblue because she chose the winning "filler" and gave me an idea!! Also thank you to everyone else who commented!

•Cora's POV•

After thinking about it for a little bit, I decided yes to a filler.

"So who's it gonna be?" Hailey asked.

"I'm not sure, who do you think it should be?"

Hailey thought for a little bit.

"...What about... What about Cameron?"

"That's perfect! He's hot, amazing, sweet, funny, and- bestfriends with Nash. Nash will hate me!"

That was a good idea until I remembered Nash. Since Nash is my ex-boyfriend, that I broke up with because I had feelings for someone else. Nash still has feelings for me. I know if I start 'dating' Cameron that he will get jealous too.

"You can just tell Nash about the plan." Hailey said.

"You're right."

We ended up going back to my house since there was no point of going 'boy shopping' anymore.

We went to my room and I texted Nash.

(A/N: for those of you who don't about Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas, sometimes Nash will be referred to as 'Hamilton'. :D lol

Me: are you busy?

Hamilton ;) : No why

Me: i need to call you, is that fine?

Hamilton ;) : Sure

Me: okay thanks Hamilton!!

Hamilton ;) : Don't call me that -_-

I called Nash.

"So what's up?" Nash asked curiously.

"How would you feel about me and Cam going out?"

"WHAT?! You broke up with me because you still had feelings for Austin, but now you're asking me if you can go out with Cameron, my bestfriend?!" Responded Nash.

"Woah, woah, calm down Nash. I didn't explain the whole thing."

I then explained my plan to Nash about Cameron being my 'filler' to make Austin jealous.

"Uh yeah I guess that's fine." He sounded hurt.

Then there was just awkward silence.



"As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Good luck." Spoke Nash.

"Thanks Nash, that really means a lot. I gotta go now, I'll talk to you soon. Bye!"


I hung up with Nash and then called Cameron and asked him. Thankfully he was all for it. He's so sweet.

"I HAVE A FILLER YESSS!" I yelled relived and excited after I hung up with Cam.

I might seem desperate, but I really like Austin. This past year we have gotten really close. I can tel him anything without him judging me. He accepts me for who I am and I've never felt this way about any other guy before.

"YASSS. Okay so now we need to set up at double date with you, Austin, Cameron, and... Allison ew." Hailey said.

"Hailey! Be nice!" I said. I was trying to hold in my laughter though.

"I'll text him."

Me: double date tonight?

Austin💎: you have a boyfriend?😉

Me: yeah, you probably won't know him. his name is Cameron Dallas😍😜

I replied jokingly.

Austin💎: wait for real?

Me: yes! lol

Austin💎: oh okay well how's 8? we can all go out to eat afterwards?😌

Me: sounds good. see you guys later

Austin💎: until then😏

Wait was does he mean by that emoji?! Wait... am I seriously freaking out over an emoji?

It was currently about 3 so me and Hailey had some time to kill.

"Sooo what do you wanna do?" I asked Hailey.



So it was currently around 6pm and Hailey was helping me get ready because Cameron would he here at 7:00.

I ended up wearing a fitted pastel tye dye crop top. and for my bottoms I wore light wash high-waisted shorts. Then for my shoes I wore white converse.

After I was done with my outfit I used my wand to give me natural looking waves.

Hailey then did my makeup making it also natural, but not too much.

"You look hot!" Hailey exclaimed.

"My clothes are just casual though?"

"Yes, but your natural tan makes it look even better!" She said.

"Yay thank you!"

"You better hope Cameron doesn't fall for you now." She sang.

I just nodded my head.

The doorbell rang.

Hailey and I raced downstairs to beat each other to open the door.

I opened the door, but Hailey couldn't stop in time so she ended up pushing me into Cameron.

Thankfully he caught me. How cliché.

"Cameron!" I hugged him.

"I haven't seen you in forever!"

He hugged back. "You're looking good." He smiled.

"Thanks, pretty hot yourself." I laughed.

I'm sorry, but it's true. He.has.abs.

"Come in, we need to work out the details of...hmm-"

"Camra!" Hailey said.

"Camera? As in something you take pictures with?" Cam asked.

"No, your guys' ship name! C-A-M-R-A."

"Ohh, we're Camra I guess." I chuckled.

"Anyways, I'm gonna take off guys." Said Hailey as she walked out.

We said bye.

"Okay, so when did we first start going out?" I asked.

"Uh, how about a month ago?"

"Perfect! Do you think we should think of when we first kissed?"

"Nah, but if he does happen to ask we can just say our first date." I nodded.

Cameron smirked. "So... when was the first time we you know-"

"Ew! Cameron! We haven't done that yet!" I laughed.

"Let's go." He laughed back.


We got to the movie theatre and Cameron was immediately attacked by fans.

He took a couple pictures and then the movie theatre's security led us to the private screening room we'd be seeing the movie with Austin and Allison.

Here we go...

sorry this chapter is so short, but i'm already working on the next chapter like right now! thank you all so much for reading and please don't forget to vote so i know you guys actually want me to keep updating!

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