🍁 : 48

705 30 4

smol time skip~

hyunjin and seungmin cuddled peacefully on seungmins bed as they watched the late night news, but barely paying attention to the television. by this time they had been dating each other for almost two years and were happier than ever.

" baby," hyunjin said softly as seungmin shifted to looked up at him. "i know we've been dating for a while and.. i know this is coming out of like no where but uh .. dO yOu WaNt tO sHarE a rESiDenCy wItH yA bOy¿¿" hyunjin blurted out causing seungmin to giggle at this proposal.

"sure, as long as you're not as much as a mess as you are when i come over. like hyunjin, sweetheart,  have you ever heard of a broom??" seungmin complained. hyunjin's apartment was always a wreck when seungmine came over but at least he tries.


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