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"I TAKE IT YOU HAVE SEEN TWITTER." HALLE said as she answered the phone to her best friend, sophia.

"Yeah, I have. Where are you right now? Can i come over?" Sophia asked, her voice filled with concern. "Are you with Clinton?"

"No, I just told him I had to go to work. I'm at my flat."

"Okay, then i'm coming around." Halle didn't even attempt to argue, she wanted to see Sophia.

CLINTON'S MYSTERY GIRL was now trending on twitter, everybody going crazy over it. Halle couldn't help but to scroll through the hashtag, seeing a lot of horrible comments aimed towards her but, not exactly aimed at her because nobody knew it was her.

The comments were ranging from threats to name calling and Halle could already feel the tears brimming and wanting to be released.

She'd been dating Clinton for a couple of days now and they'd been friends for months, but neither of them thought this was the backlash they would get.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Halle wiped away the tears on her cheeks and shuts down the twitter app.
Sophia stood on the opposite side with a tub of ice cream in her hands along with her lap top, a small smile on her lips.

"I know you like to comfort ear, so hers you go." Sophia hands her best friend the tub of ice cream, "and now we're going to binge watch something on Netflix and ignore social media for the rest of the day."

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