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After that encounter, you figured that maybe your friendship was Taeyong was on the upswing, that you could rekindle it again. That's why when he showed up at your locker before school the next morning-accompanied by Yukhei-you didn't think twice about letting your old nickname for him slip past your lips.

"Morning, Yonggie!"

There was immediately a snicker from the taller boy, and you noticed your neighbor's eyes darken. "Don't fucking call me that!" He snapped forcefully, making you flinch. "I'm not your dumb little five-year-old friend anymore, okay?"

"Okay." You replied monotonously, turning back to your locker to robotically switch out your folders. "I won't call you Yonggie anymore, but don't try to pull this 'bad boy' shit on me, Taeyong. I know you're not like this."

As you closed your locker you saw that he still hadn't moved. You leaned back against your locker, prompting him to speak again. "You don't know me, but you think you do, huh? Probably because you're like fucking obsessed with me or something, drawing me and shit-"

Yukhei's dark eyes watching as Taeyong pretty much humiliated you in the middle of the halls was the breaking point to trigger hot tears to prick at your eyes. Despite becoming a "bad boy," Taeyong was never such a callous jerk to you, and it hurt more than it should have. It was then that you looked up from your shoes, watery eyes locking with his and halting his next sentence.

"You're not a 'bad boy,' Lee Taeyong. You're just an asshole." You spat out, pivoting on your heel to storm out of the commons, brushing by a very confused Chenle and Mark.

You didn't want to go to your first class and have to see Dumb and Dumbest, who would probably be told of that incident by a gleeful Yukhei or Taeyong. Instead, you felt yourself turning away from your first period, your feet carrying you to the back of the school. As you turned the corner, your eyes landed on exactly who you had expected to be there.

"Hey, Jisung." You offered him half of a smile, plopping yourself down behind him in the shade created by the building.

His eyebrows shot up, watching you with interest as you settled against the brick of the building, "How did you know I was out here?"

"Chenle had mentioned that you hung out here during first sometimes."

"Ah," Your friend nodded, unzipping his backpack to tug out a book that he then held out to you. "Here, the poems you leant me."

"Thanks." You tucked the book away into your own bookbag, thankful that he had remembered to give it back to you after he had borrowed it for his poetry unit in his Literature class.

"So what are you doing out here?"

"Didn't want to go to first."

"Fair enough." Jisung then brought out two granola bars, offering one out to you. "Hungry?"

You accepted it wordlessly, and both of you were silent as you ripped open your packages and quietly ate the food. Just being in the company of someone who you knew wasn't judging you at all was satisfying enough to you. You knew that he was curious, but Jisung was never one to push you about anything, he was very much a go-with-the-flow kind of person when it came to you, which you appreciated very much.



"Why do you sit out here all by yourself?"

"I like the quiet."

A frown found its way to your face, "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be, I don't mind sitting out here with you. You're not loud and annoying like the others." He reassured you, also dissing your other friends in the process.

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