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After that day, your daily schedule had slowly come to incorporate Taeyong again. If he wanted to go to first period, he would drive you to school, giving you a goodbye at your locker before finding his own friends. You welcomed him and Dumber to your table in Finance—thankfully Jeno and Donghyuck had no objections, as Sicheng surely would if you ever suggested he join you at lunch—making sure he did his work.

He was in history almost everyday now, making the occasional quip during lecture that made you stifle a giggle, but he always knew when to stop and let the both of you focus on the task at hand. If neither you nor he had plans with your other friends after school, he would drive you back home and usually stay around for a little bit, much to both your mothers’ delight. Weekends usually varied between hanging out with him or your other friends. Your younger friends didn’t mind if Taeyong tagged along to lunch or a movie with you all, but in order to preserve your friendship with Sicheng, you had to hang out with either one or the other.

Despite Taeyong getting along well with most of your new friends, you still had yet to interact with his outside of your occasional unpleasant encounters during the school day.
It was a random Wednesday that had you walking towards history with Taeyong when his phone suddenly buzzed. As he read the screen, his face lit up, and turned to you with a sheepish smile, “Hey… would you be super mad if I didn’t go to history with you today?”

“No.” You frowned thoughtfully. “Where are you going?”

“The guys and I are going to get slushies.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“You’re going to… skip?”

“Yeah.” You paused, then added quickly, “We’re just finishing up the worksheet Mrs. Oh assigned yesterday, and I got it done last night at home.”

“Oh, so you’re responsibly skipping.” He snickered fondly, patting your head.

Your eyes narrowed as a small pout took to your lips, “Would you rather I not go with you?”

“Of course not, let’s go!”

The two of you changed course, heading for the front doors of the school. As you speed-walked towards the front of the school grounds, Taeyong briefly explained what was going to happen, “Okay so Ten and I are splitting up the boys between us to drive there. Don’t worry, you’ve got shotgun in my car. Just a heads up, I’ll probably be having Yukhei, don’t let him bother you, he’s just big and dumb.”

The name Ten was unfamiliar to you, so you figured he must be one of the two you didn’t know the names of, either Dumb or Dumber. While you weren’t looking forward to spending time with Yukhei, you wanted to go into this with an open mind. Even if it was already starting off bad, with you having to enter the no-students parking lot only open to staff members. Taeyong had apparently parked in the far back corner, closest to the open gate, most likely for a quick and easy exit. A few boys were already there, gathered around a silver car parked beside Taeyong’s.

They all called out various greetings to your friend, Dumbest taking the first go at talking to you, “Our little princess is here too!”

You forced a smile, barely trying to hide your distaste of his comment, “Hello, Yuta.”

“She called me by my name!”

“You’re very lucky.” Taeyong said sarcastically, going to introduce them, pointing to the tallest one first. “That’s Johnny.”

“Dumb.” You your own nickname for him, eliciting a tiny giggle from the red-haired boy.

“And Ten.”

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