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" Never forget where you came from and never take your eyes off where you're headed "

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" Never forget where you came from and never take your eyes off where you're headed "

"Wait, wait," I blurted out, gaining everyone's attention.

It's been two hours since we have been held captive. "I have a paper clip in my back pocket, I totally forgot about it being in there. For the past few minutes, I have felt something poking my ass and that was when I remembered," I told them. Minho cringed because he was the closest one to me, meaning he would have to try and grab it from my pocket.

"Why in the back pocket!?" Minho complained making me chuckle at the face he was making.

"I'll try to not fart on you," I told him with a grin on my face.

He stuck his tongue out at me and started reaching his hand towards me.

I had to lift my ass up just so he could get a better reach of it. It was more difficult than it looked since we could only move around a little. The chains on our hands only move like five feet. They made it difficult to do anything in them.

"I almost.. got it," Minho strained out, feeling in my pocket for the paper clip. He let out a sigh, telling me he finally got it. "Got it," He told everyone in a loud whisper. We had to be quiet because there are guards outside the door.

"Work fast so we won't get caught," I told him and he nodded his head with an eye roll. He grunted, trying to unlock his chains.

"This is ridiculous. It's not like we can get out of this place without getting caught. There is too many people here," Lydia told me like she figured everything out. "We'll end up back in here faster than we did the last time," Lydia said, slumping against the wall.

"If we stay here... we die," I told them, making sure they were all looking at me. "There is no 'ifs' or 'buts' about it. We will die or get sent in another trial that will lead us to our deaths. If we don't try to get out of here now, we will die and so will Newt. Newt took care of us so i'm going to take care of him too. He is our best friend." I gestured to Minho and I .

"I don't understand why you guys even came in the first place. I barely even know you and you don't even know me. Sure, I explained mostly everything to you, but that doesn't mean that you know me or my experiences. You know nothing about us and you will never understand our way of living," I ranted out to them.

They sat there with their mouths agape, not knowing what to say. I was pissed because they thought they knew everything, but news flash, they don't.

"Lovely speech and all, but let's go," Minho said, gaining everyone's attention. He was standing up with a smirk plastered on his face. I laughed at him as he unlocked my chains.

Once I was free, we both went around the room and unlocked everybody. Jorge squeezed my shoulder for reassurance which made me smile.

"Okay," I said in a whisper, we were all in a circle, trying to come up with a plan. "We'll sneak attack the guards outside the door. Take their weapons. We will have to find an ID card so that we can get passed the doors. Try to stay quiet and clear of any danger. If we see anybody, knock them out. Kill if need to," I explained to them. Scott grimaced when I said 'kill' but I didn't give a klunk right now. Janson needs to die and we really need to find Newt. "Once we get out, we go to the glade," I told them, glancing at Minho who had a sad look in his eyes.

"How do you think the glade looks, right now?" He asked me.

"Probably the same. If there are people there, then it will be nice. But, if not, then it will look the same as we left it, in ruins," I told him, patting him on the shoulder. I then turned to everyone, "let's go," I told them, getting behind the door.

I knew for a fact that the door was locked, that was why Minho, Jorge, Scott and I kicked at the door at the same time, knocking it over to where it landed on one of the guards. I did a roundhouse kick to the guys' temple, knocking him out. I picked up his machine gun and his taser. I handed the taser to Lydia since she is the only one who can't fend for herself.

Minho, Jorge and Brenda each grabbed a handgun. Malia, Scott, Liam, Kira and Isaac had their own weapons. Kira had her sword while the werewolves and were coyote had their claws, teeth and strength. Minho grabbed the guys' ID cards and we ran down the hall.

I noticed that we were coming up to a camera so I threw a piece of metal at it, and watched as the camera shattered.

We turned around a corner and there they were, in all their glory with a gun pointed at my head. Janson and Ava. "Ava," I growled out. I then turned to Janson. "Rat-man," I hissed, my hands turning into fists. I wanted to put him in as much pain as he put me and my friends in.

"Thomas," Janson acknowledged. "I see you and your friends found a way out," He said with a smirk, his eyes looking at all of us. "I thought that those guards would be enough to stop you if those chains didn't. I shouldn't have underestimated you, Thomas," He told me which made me scoff and roll my eyes. "Be good kids and go back to the room," Janson ordered.

The next thing we all knew, the wall was blown into bits and people in uniforms came barreling into the room, shooting at Janson and Ava. Their guards protected them as they made their way out of the room. Those people that randomly came out of no-where, fought Janson's guards.

Instead of just standing there, I gripped my gun and started shooting at Janson and Ava's guards. I wanted to shoot those other people but what stopped me was that they could be helping us.

There was a whole lot of shooting, yelling, screaming, and there were orders being thrown out everywhere.

Then, all of a sudden, everything went quiet. Too quiet.

I looked up from the guard I just shot and found myself being aimed at by a dozen or more of those people in uniforms.

"Thomas?" A voice came from in front of the group. The voice sounded so familiar. The person took off their mask and I could not believe who was behind it.

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