Chapter Twelve: Time to wrap it up

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"Moon, little chiming moon, you are so pretty, so enchanting. your light comes in through my window" I sing to my new born daughter as I head to her crib "Moon, I am the admirer who sings to every night, I sing to see your enchanting light every night" I finish the lullaby as I place my daughter in the crib. I smile as I watch her sleep, my parents would have loved her and just like me, they would love to sing to her every single time they would hold her in their arms **SIGH** I wish they were here, so they could meet her.

Grandmother and Grandfather have fallen in love with little Amelia (I couldn't talk Alexander out of the names he had chose, like he said, if we have another child I can name him or her, but I still like the name he chose, Amelia Alexandra) they can barely be away from her, after all, Amelia is their first great granddaughter from their only granddaughter, they are so happy and glad they could be part of our lives. They even bought the apartment below our penthouse, so they can be closer to Amelia, to me, and not violate any of the security protocols that Antonio has set to keep the whole family safe.

Have I forgave them? Yes, we all make mistakes, we all deserve a second chance, specially the people that I never had the chance to meet, to share with. My Aunt and My Uncle? Well, with them the story is different and for the well being of everybody (and under the final threat of Alexander) they have decided to keep their distance and not been part of this family reunion. Joseph? At first things were rough, so under Alexander's request, all my visits with Joseph were in the presence of a third person, but my pregnancy apparently affected him, so Leonardo had to sign him into a new psychiatric facility, he has been there since my 5th month of pregnancy, I visited him when Amelia was born and he was allowed to receive visits, turns out he is doing very well and like everybody else, he is in love with his great grandchild. Our relationship is been worked out, I can not say that I have fully forgiven him for deliberately killing my mother, but everybody deserves second chances, Antonio and Alexander are not too happy with me having him in my life, but what you can do? He is family.

Mrs. Martha divorced Robert (With him in jail, a divorce was not hard to get) and she celebrated her recent separation by getting married with the love of her life, Mr. Leonardo. They came back from their honeymoon a few days ago, so they have not met their granddaughter, but I am sure they are going to love too. Amelia is super happy to have both of her parents together and have a beautiful niece named after her, she currently working on her internship in a fashion and gossip magazine, I think I read some of her work a few days ago and the guy she met in the Hampton? They are very happy with each other and I think this is heading to very deep grounds, Alexander is not happy at all with this relationship, much less is Mr. Leonardo, but Mrs. Martha is happy Amelia finally decided to settle down with one guy.

Mr. Leonardo's investigation against Robert was pretty deep and full of evidence, so around my 4th month of pregnancy, Robert was taken to trial viewing, the judge accepted the evidence, and the charges, so when I was entering to my 5th month, Robert went into trial and to avoid death penalty he plead guilty to all the murder charges against him and to attempt of premeditated murder with the purpose of extortion, he got a life sentence without the possibility of parole for the first 30 years. One enemy less to worry.

Allyson? She was arrested right after Alexander handed the recorder to the detective, but in the trial viewing her lawyer managed to shake off the kidnapping and attempt of murder charges, because her confession was not conclusive and it could have been said under the heat of the moment, Allyson managed to walk out intact, but Alexander filled for a restraining order and it was granted, Allyson needs to keep a distance of 230 feet from me, Alexander, Amelia, and her own daughter, Sofia. Yes, as you read, Alexander has the full custody of Allyson's daughter, the custody was given by Sofia's father for 3 million dollars. It turns out that nobody actually cared for Sofia, not even Alexander cared for her, she was always in an overseas school, until I asked him to bring her to life with us, give her proper family experience. He was hard to convince, but he agreed.

At first, we bumped heads, but as soon Sofia saw that all we wanted was to give her a home, a family, she opened her heart to us and we are happy, we have our rocky moments, but what family doesn't? Sofia has learned to look at Alexander and I as her parents and Amelia as her sibling, I love the fact that I have two daughters, Alexander is still adapting to the idea of having two girls who will eventually fall in love and bring boys home **LAUGHS**, but what matters is that he has accepted Sofia as his. Allyson and Sofia? Sadly, Sofia doesn't want to meet Allyson and we can not force her, meeting Allyson must be something she wants to do and we are not forcing her. For the record, we know nothing about Allyson, the last time we saw her was during the trial viewing, after that ended, we do not know anything about her and we love this fact.

Alexander has been extra busy. When our lives finally came back to normal and I stopped getting better to then get worst, he went back to been the CEO of her grandfather's business and the president of his own business, which makes him very happy, because been busy means business is going very well. Alexander has loved every single day of my pregnancy, the giving birth process was a experience in his own words "He would repeat a thousand times" (If there weren't so much pain involved, I would share his thought), and having his little princess in his arms makes him even happier, he is enjoying been a Dad. Sofia has awaken his paternal side even more and even when he doesn't say it, he has learned to love Sofia.

Us? As married couple we have grown so much, we own this to both our daughters. We are really happy and we wouldn't change a thing. This whole situation has only brought us closer. Alex and I have intensified int the bedroom, I mean, since we got married we have not been able to be so intimate, but we have, we love each other and that love keeps growing with each day that passes. I pleased my husband and met his best friend, Xavier Hale and his fiancee, Danielle, who is pregnant, we made click pretty quick and we have turned out to be good friends.

Me? I have been very busy with my daughters, my marriage, so I have not decided what I am going to do when I no longer have to be around for Amelia, but I am thinking to work as a composer, I have met with some prospects, some singers, and they love my work, they bought my songs (which are number one hits, very happy and excited for that), but as long as my daughters depend on me, I am not working full time, not yet. At the moment I am working on a few songs for the newest album of Palmer, new artist. I have many contracts of many record labels wanting to hire me as an exclusive composer, but Alexander considers that I should keep my tittle as a free agent, it would safe me a lot of headaches, but as I said, none of this happening any time soon.

"Sofia is sleeping, I had to read Cinderella a hundred times, but she fell asleep" Alexander says as he joins me at the crib "Did you wore the crown and scarf?" I ask "I am a man, I am not wearing that" Alex says and I smile "She would have fallen asleep quicker if you did" I say "Drop it" he says and I laugh "Did she fell asleep?" Alex asks as he gently caress our daughter's head "Yes, I sing to her and she falls asleep immediately" I say "We are so lucky" Alex says as he carefully kisses her head "We are" I say and he looks at me.

"Come here" he orders and I walk closer to him "You, Sofia, and Amelia are the best thing that have happened to me" he says as he pulls me into a hug "I believe we can say the same" I say and he smiles we kiss.

We had a rough start, but that's how pearls are formed. We went through a hell to get to this moment, to be this happy, and trust us, we are going to cherish it.


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