Chapter 5

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I held my hands over my mouth as the footsteps came slowly up the stairs. I had backed myself into the corner of the room.

Every idea I had to escape was useless.

My phone? I left it in the living room.
Self defense? I had nothing to defend myself.

I was trapped and alone with nothing to protect me. How could I possibly get out of this.

Tears began silently streaming down my face as the footsteps got closer and I could hear doors opening and closing down the hall.

Whoever was out there would be at this room soon.

How long would the furniture hold them off?

Suddenly the footsteps came to my door.

They stopped and I held my breath as the knob was slowly twisted. It didn't budge.

Someone chuckled on the other side of the door. It sounded deep. Whoever this was must be a guy.

"F-found you-u." I just barely heard him whisper.

I covered my mouth as more tears streamed down my face and I tried to hold back my sobs.
He violently pulled and rattled the knob, but I had locked the door so it would not turn.

Then he laughed again.

"Y-you'll ha-ave to c-come out-t even-eventuall-ly." He stated darkly. I backed myself into the corner even further.

"Wh-when yo-u fa-fall asle-sleep, I'll s-smash-sh this d-door down-n." He threatened.

I couldn't help but to notice his odd stutter and the even odder snapping kind of sound. It sounded like his bones were cracking or something. I didn't have time to ponder this for long though as his words finally registered in my head.

He'd come in here as soon as I fell asleep.

My eyes widened and I held back a whimper. I wouldn't be safe in this room for long. I needed to think of something.

-le time skip-

It's been hours.

I keep fighting my eyelids as they become heavier and heavy. An indescribable paranoia has settled into me and I jump at every little sound. I don't know if the guy is still outside my door or not but I have no desire to find out.

I couldn't think of any way to get out of this.

Every idea seemed to end the day way.

In my death.

For a brief second, my mind flashed to the cyanide pills. I understood why the Jim and Rebecca had them now. I mean, I knew what they were for when I found them... but I just couldn't understand why they would turn to that solution. I understood now.

I'd rather die by my own hands then be mercilessly beaten, mutilated, and rendered unrecognizable by some vicious murderer.

But I couldn't even kill myself.

The pills were downstairs and there was nothing else I could use in this room.

Well... my mind flashed to a small box I had found under the bed.

Maybe I can't stop the pain I'm about to go through... but perhaps instead I can lessen the anxiety I'm feeling now, and even potentially lessen the pain even a little bit?

I thought it over.

Whether I do this or not won't change what's going to happen to me.

I shakily crawled over to the box I had found and opened it slowly.

Inside were several small bottles of various liquors. Tequila, vodka, rum, you name it. I didn't question why it was here or what it was for. I took another glance at the door before I twisted off the lid of one of the small bottles.

"Here goes nothing..." I mumbled, tilting the bottle up and letting the liquid slide down my throat.

I regretted it immediately.

It tasted horrible.

I wasn't sure if it was supposed to taste that way or if it was just expired or something. Regardless, I knew I wasn't going to be drinking any more of it.

And now I had a horrible taste stuck in my mouth.

I quickly closed the box and pushed it away.

I guess I just have to wait for the inevitable.

-le time skip-

Several more hours have passed. I keep zoning in and out of consciousness. I'm not sure if it's because I'm tired or if the alcohol did something to me, but I keep seeing and hearing things that aren't there.

First it was just shadows in the room that would appear and disappear. Then I'd hear the floor creak from right beside me even if I hadn't moved.

I knew I was really losing it though when I heard a sound come from the air vent.
It creaked, seemingly under a very heavy weight. And I could have swore that someone pushed the cover off and peered straight at me.
It looked to be a young girl, maybe about 14, wearing a green hoodie. She grinned maliciously at me before I blinked and suddenly she was gone. The air vent cover was still in place and there was no one in sight.

"I'm losing it. I'm really really losing it. I'm so tired and paranoid that I'm seeing things." I mumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes roughly.

At some point, I stood up and began pacing across the room. If I kept moving, maybe I could fight off the sleep.

After what felt like hours of doing this, my legs ached and I stopped a few feet from the window.

"I could jump." I suggested quietly to myself.

But that wouldn't end well.

The fall would either kill me or seriously injure me. I couldn't risk rendering myself completely helpless to the murderer.

I sighed and plopped down.

My thoughts wandered and my eyes lifelessly stared in front of me.

There's a lot I would be willing to do to get out of this.

Perhaps all of this was a punishment.

This was my karma for all the times I copied someone else's homework, or told a small lie about where I was going. Maybe it was a punishment for the time I purposely mislead someone who was lost, just because I didn't like their face. Or maybe this was my punishment for always being late to birthday parties and constantly forgetting what people said to me.

My thought continued wandering to many different places before I felt my eyelids grow even heavier than they already were and before I knew it, I felt my body hit the floor with a soft thud and everything went black.

I had fallen asleep.

1096 words

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