Chapter 21

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(Y/N) wasn't out for long.

Her wounds weren't anything too major.

While her head wound was the worst of her physical wounds, it only looked bad.

The worst thing was her energy.

She performed two spells even after she had begun feeling tired.

It took a toll on her and she needed time to recover from it.

However, it wasn't all bad.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

When she woke up, (Y/N) would have more stamina when it came to spells.

She woke up after three days.


I stood at one of the counters in my lab, wet washcloth in hand.

I was cleaning some of my equipment.

Unfortunately, some of it wasn't dirty from me using it, but rather someone else.

I sighed as I continued cleaning my tools, thinking about seeing if Ben would install a camera in my lab so I'd know who touched my stuff the next time it happened.

After I finished cleaning one of my many scalpels, I held it up to my face and gazed at my reflection. I could see my navy blue mask and the black substance dripping down it clearly.

While I was admiring my shiny scalpel, I suddenly heard noise from behind me.

My first thought was that someone had managed to sneak in without me hearing, but I quickly realized that it must be something else.

I tucked my scalpel into the pocket of my hoodie and turned around calmly.

(Y/N) was awake.

She shuffled on the bed, which was probably an uncomfortable one, for a few moments before she slowly opened her eyes.

I leaned against the counter and waited for her to process her surroundings.

She blinked a few times and slowly brought her hand up to her face, shielding her eyes from the bright lights.

I pushed myself off of the counter and walked to the light switch, turning off the lights. Then, I shuffled towards the counter again and turned on a small lamp.

(Y/N) no longer shielded her eyes, but instead looked at me.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned, leaning against the counter once again.

"Ah wait, don't answer that." I said quickly.

I opened up a cabinet and pulled out a cup before filling it with some water. Then, I brought it over to her and let her take it. Then I went back to lean against the counter.

She took a few slow sips before she eventually drank it all.

"Okay, your throat might still be a little scratchy but it should feel better. So, how are you feeling?" I asked once again.

"Well, I feel okay. I'm a little sore and I'm kind of tired." She replied.

"Yeah that's to be expected. Do you remember how you got here?" I asked.

(Y/N) stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Um... could you remind me?" She asked.

"We found you knocked out in Jeff's room. You had a bit of a head injury so it's possible someone could have hit you and knocked you out, but if that's the case, they didn't hit you very hard. We took you here and let you rest. It's been three days." I explained.

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