Wisdom Teeth

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*Emily's POV*

"Baby wake up my love" I said shaking Zion

"Ugh whyyyy its so early" He said

"You have to get your wisdom teeth taken out bebe" I said reminding him even though he knew exactly what today was

Zion was super nervous about getting his wisdom teeth out that he literally has not stopped talking about it for weeks. This boy would not give it a rest. I basically had to drag this kid out of bed because he would not budge.

"I hate this" Zion said reluctantly going in the shower

"You will be fine, and ill be right there waiting for you" I said kissing him

"Thats the only part ill be looking forward to" He said closing the door

While Zion was getting ready i went downstairs to wait for him. I decided it would be funny to record this for my youtube channel so i took out my vlogging camera and started recording. Finally Zion came down the stairs looking really depressed.

"Awww baby stop, smileeee" I said grabbing his face making him smile

"Good luck bro, don't die" Nick said barging in the kitchen

"Yeah thanks idiot" Zion said flipping Nick off while Nick did it back

We headed out of the house and I drove to the dentist office while Zion dosed back to sleep. I woke him when we got there and we went inside. We were about 10 minutes early which was perfect cause he needed to fill out some information. After he was done filling out his info he rested his head on my shoulder while i played with his dreads.

"Caleb?" The nurse said searching the room

Zion stood up and walked into the back while i went with him, of course. He met with his surgent and he told Zion what procedure he was going to be doing on Him. He had to remove all 4 of his wisdom teeth. The doctor then had Zion lay back and they gave him anesthesia and told him to count down from 30.

"I love you bebe" Zion said before he drifted off

I kissed his forehead before they wheeled him into another room. I asked the nurse about how long the procedure took and she said to come back at around 12. So i drove home and anxiously waited for Zion to be done.

"So how is he? Is the procedure done?" Nick said frantically

"Um hes not with me so obviously the procedure isn't done" I said laughing at nick

"Oh. right" nick said quietly

"Well can me and Lauren come with you to go pick him up. I'll drive!" Nick said

"Yeah sure, we have to go get him at 12 so lets leave here at 11:45" I said heading back upstairs to occupy my time

I decided i would go live since that always made me feel better and plus it made time go by quicker. I answered some questions but they were all mainly about Zion. I heard a knock at my door and lauren opens it telling me its time to go pick Zion up. I quickly end my live and rush down the stairs since I'm so anxious to see my bebe.

"Woah run any faster you're legs are gonna fall off" Nick says

"Shutup" i say running to the car

Nick and Lauren get in and i start recording the car ride there.

"Hey guys, so were on our way to go pick up Zion!" I say to my camera

"Yeah he's gonna be all loopy!" Nick says laughing

"Oh good lord why did i let you come with me" I say shaking my head stopping my camera

We finally pull up to the dentist office and i bolted out of the car as did nick and lauren. I went up to the front desk and asked for Zion and they said he was in a separate room. We made our way to this little room that wasn't lit up too much to see Zion wrapped up in a blanket sleeping. I couldn't help but let out a long "awwww" which ended up waking him up

"Welp good job dingus" Nick says pushing my shoulder

"Boy would you quit it!" i laugh back

"Hi baby! How do you feel?" I say to Zion

"W-W-Who a-are youuuuuuu" Zion says pointing at my face

"You don't know who i am?" i laugh

"Nope, not a clue but hey your really pretty just thought i would tell ya, make your day great" Zion rambles still very loopy

"Ayo whatsup my bro" Nick says dapping it up with Zion who can barely even hold his own head up


"Really! You recognize him but not me!" I say laughing

"do you know who this is?" Nick says pointing to Lauren

"Nope" He says confidently

"This is my girlfriend Lauren" Nick says as lauren face palms

"AYE THATS MY BOYYYY WOW YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND HOWD YOU DO THAT ONE. nice to meet you Lauren" Zion says reaching his hand out to shake laurens but ends up falling out of his chair

"Woah woah, hey caleb. you ready to go home?" The nurse says as they put him in a wheelchair

"HOMEEEEE" Zion says putting his arms up

The lady wheels him to our car and we help him in the car. I sit in the back holding Zion since he really can't hold himself up

"Oh hey, its the pretty girl from before. How did you get in the car?" Zion says confused

"Dude you seriously don't know who that is" Nick says

"no" He says

"She's your girlfriend" Nick laughs


"Zion i can't believe you don't remember me" I say cracking up

"Well i do now! Hi my girlfriend" Zion says all muffled from the gauze in his mouth

The rest of the car ride Zion just rested on my shoulder. We finally got him home and Nick helped him inside. I had made our bed before i left so it would be all ready when he came home. I helped him get into bed and he went back to sleep.

A few hours later i went in to check on him and he was awake and off the loopy stuff cause he recognized me.

"Hi bebe" He said groggy

"Aw look at your face. its so puffy. aw my bebe. Are you in pain?" I asked while softly kissing him

"A little bit. Can you lay with me" He said sadly

"Of course" I say laying down

"So how bad was i" He laughs

"Well you had no clue who you were, you had no clue who i was and you had no clue who Lauren was." I say

"Oh my god. what the hell did they put me on" Zion chuckles

" i have no idea but good thing i got it all on video" I say

"Oh i can't wait to watch that back" Zion says

We layed there for a little bit. I remember the doctor telling me to make sure he chances his gauze pads frequently so i had Zion sit up so he could change them.

"Woahhhh i can't feel my lips babe" He laughs

"Don't touch your face!" I say back

"But but its so.... puffy" Zion says now recording himself

"Oh good lord, Zion do not touch." i say helping him up to the bathroom

Once he changed the gauze we went back to lay down. It was pretty late and i was tired so we slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I love you thanks for taking care of me. You're the best" Zion manages to say through the gauze

"I love you too bebe" I say before falling asleep

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