Chapter Threep

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The next few days were much the same. I wandered around the city and spent my afternoons at the Java Hut. Fitch seemed to work there every day and he now had my order on look. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t like drip coffee. It was now our thing.

So there I would go to sip on my bitter brew and scroll through rejection emails from jobs and from potential roommates telling me they had found someone better. I grew increasingly worn out, the hostel wasn’t exactly giving me the rest I needed.

After a week I was cranky and a little desperate. My meager funds were slowly dwindling. I had hoped to find some friends at the hostel but really they were all a bunch of drunken frat louts. They were all out here to drink as much as possible and fuck as many girls as possible.

Needless to say we didn’t get along. I still hadn’t mustered up the courage to meet any guys. There were a couple of gay bars but the thought of going alone made my stomach churn. Baby steps, I would find a place first.

I took another sip of coffee and was back to Craigslist. When I clicked through a new posting caught my eye.

Free Rent Avallable for guy 18-21

Jackpot. I clicked through to the ad and read through it quickly.

I am looking for a companion to share my apartment with, seeking a young twink between 18 and 21 to live rent free. I am a mid-forties professional male, want someone to cook, clean and share thlngs with. Please no time-wasters.

Now I’ll admit my curiosity was piqued. Free was definitely a good price, and I know what you're thinking, what’s the catch? Well I’m afraid to say that I was a little too naive to read between the lines. Even if I did have to look up what a twink was. I fit the bill. and I could cook and clean.

I think in the back of my mind I did know what I was getting myself into, by this stage I had barely slept in three days and was getting a bit desperate. VWth no job and my funds quickly depleting I typed out an email explaining about myself just as Fitch appeared in front of me.

“How's the hunt going?” he asked with his now trademark cheery disposition. After the first day I decided he wasn’t gay, just a nice guy. My only almost friend in the whole damn town.

“I might be on to something,” I beamed and pressed the send button. “Things might be looking up."

“Oh that's great to hear. Listen, if you are still looking for work one of my friend’s works at a restaurant and they're looking for servers."

“Really? That would be awesome.” I replied, gosh Fitch was so nice. I pretty much considered him my only friend in Somerville even if we did have a strictly customer/barista relationship. It was a pity it couldn’t be more than that. He was just so darn cute!

I took down the details of Fitch’s lead and then heard the ping of an email notification which snapped me back to my computer. My eyes darted to the email, a reply so soon!

“I better get to this, potential flat mate,” I said and Fitch nodded.

“Good luck dude,"

It’s a shame to say for once I didn’t even watch him walk away, I was too enthralled by the idea of living rent-free.


To: coun"b0intheci’0‘?

Subject: Re: Free Rent Available for guy 18-21

Hi Alex,

It was great to get your email and you sound like just what I’m looking for. Although I would like to ask you a few more questions, and make sure you’re serious before we meet. Could you also include a recent face and body picture? I’m a 45 year old professional (lawyer, tax, pretty boring) and I don't have time to date traditionally, that's why I require the services of a houseboy. As you know you will be able to live rent free in my spacious two-bedroom condo in exchange for simple

services such as cooking, cleaning and companionship.

We can discuss the details a little more when we meet up. But if this is something you would be interested in then please respond. I’ve attached a picture of me below, and I'm happy to

answer any questions you might have.



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