Chapter 1. Meeting Him

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OK I SWEAR THIS IS MY LAST BOOK I know I said that already its just it's so hard to put so many ideas into one book that may not ever be read ya know, anyways this is the finishing books I may make more but they will be for a specific series you ppl know the rules hope Y'all like the book I know the description a lil extra but hey that what attracted you

----------------------Justin's POV----------------------

I looked over, my eyes practically screaming at me. I groaned when I saw the time flashing brightly on my alarm clock. 7:30. Great. I might as well get up and ready, better than just sitting here. Swifty, I rise from my bed and make my way into my closet.Today I think I'll wear one of my Adida outfits. Once I got ready I quietly made my way back into my room, when I heard a faint but detectable knock on my door.

"Hey Justin, it's time to wake up." My mom said, peeping her head into my room. "Hmm, already up? Who are you and what have you done with my son!" She jokes, making me chuckle before I give her a morning hug and a kiss. After, she happily made herself at home on my couch.

"Hey mom, since I've been doing really well in school, and I've been babysitting Charlie a lot, I was wondering if I could possibly..." I pause, not wanting to face rejection. "...go to a party?" I ask hoping this time she wouldn't run me through a quiz this time.

"Who is throwing it?" Mom asked narrowing her eyes a little, I already knew if I said anything with the name 'Jake' in it she would refuse. So, I went with the next best thing. "It's a friends birthday coming up, and he really wants me there but if you don't want me there it's fine. I'll jus-"

"Be back by 11, if you're not expect one long ass lecture when I see you," She says with a small smile that barley matches my large one. "I love you so much ma!" I say embracing her in a loving hug causing to her giggle,by the time our hug ended my mother gave me a warm smile.

My mother stood up from the couch, smiling at me with a remorseful look in her eyes. I had always wanted to ask her what's wrong, but she always ignored me. I smiled back and watched her walk out of my room, and heard her walk down the stairs.

The true reason I had been up earlier than usual that day, was because lately, I haven't been able to sleep right. I've been feeling so antsy and I don't know why it's like something deep inside is waiting for something and I don't know what.

Sighing, I rubbed my eyes, before grabbing my book bag and I made my way downstairs. Once I reached the living room, I saw my dad laying on the couch. My little brother sitting on his back. Sighing I made my way to the front door.

I open the door, but not before I grab something small to eat, and say goodbye to my father who was fast asleep on the couch, and my brother who was happily eating breakfast and watching TV. I slide my keys out of my pocket and open my car, sitting inside and taking a deep breath before starting my day.

I decided to turn on the radio to drown out the deafening silence that surrounded me in the car. I pull out of my driveway and listen to the radio broadcast. "Today there was news of a girl who had been gone for twelve years!" The broadcaster explained " She appeared out of nowhere, and the weird thing is, she's convinced that the year is 2006 and that she's the same age! We'll-"

"Bullshit," I voice, just some radio broadcaster trying to get more views I sigh.

Stopping at a red light, I felt eyes on me. I looked to my left seeing a boy who looked about my age with messy but still a tameable curly mess, with a pair of eyes I had never seen before, they caught me in their trap. I stared intensely, it seemed—a loud horn honking easily snapped me out of my trance.

Noticing the light was green, I ignore the weirdo as I sped off to the school, not that far away.As I pulled into the school, I saw my normal group of friends; Jake my best friend, Penelope my girlfriend, and a couple others, standing in front of the school chatting, and laughing. Parking my car I quickly got out only be meet with arms wrapping around my waist and familiar nausea coming back.

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