Chapter 6. Mini Justin Q&A

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-----------------Justins POV


Waking up to your back aching and your naked on someone's couch is not the best way to wake up, even worse was when I stood up I noticed love bites all over my body. I knew precisely who did it was which made me flush as I just sat down on the couch and groaned, "oh good morning"I hear Blakes' voice say making me a bit hard. "I'm hungry" I quickly say embarrassed. Chuckling he stood, also naked before giving me a kiss which I shamefully allowed. As soon as he walked into the kitchen I groaned and placed my head into my hands, what the hell is happening to me? Why was I all of a sudden attracted to Blake ...whos a werewolf..and ugh this is too much, 'it will be ok, in time things will make much more sense and you will be so damn happy' Cyrus explains as the aroma of bacon invades my nose making my stomach growl in need.

Looking around I notice my shirt ripped on the floor making me redden knowing exactly why it was ripped, locating my pants and underwear I dress but find myself limping a bit once I try and walk to the kitchen. "It's ok Ill bring the food to you"I hear Blake say as he peeks his head from where he was, nodding I turn back around and sit with a thump. 'Who would have thought one day me Cryus the guy who cursed at the goddess would have a mate serving him breakfast' Cryus gloated happily as I just rolled my eyes "here you go eggs, bacon,2 sausages, grits, and orange juice" Blake said as he sat the tray containing the food down in front of me. The sight of it made my stomach growl causing Blake to grin "gonna eat?" he asks as I glare at him before digging in, while I ate I felt Blakes eyes on my body which only made Cryus's gloating increase even more.

"Stop staring at me," I say as I swallow my food, "cant sorry," he says with a cocky smirk that just made me wanna hit him. "Done, now please explain to me what the fuck is going on?"I say as I finally finish before turning to blake I had questions loaded up in my mind ready to fire at him. "Well, 1. I'm a werewolf:

-------------------THIS IS NOW A QNA LOL-------------------
J: What's a werewolf

B: An breed that is part human and wolf but cannot be lab created but only through natural pregnancies by any species and werewolf but species except human that breed with a werewolf will have what is called a hybrid child and only some rare children are born lycans

J: whats a lycan?

B:A lycan is a very attractive and much stronger werewolf and is known to sometimes have powers like elder and to be able to take down many alphas and can live even longer than an elder and when mad can cause great chaos and can take away a mated wolfs mate and mate with them if they wanted to

J: Um whats an elder no no how many species are their aside from werewolves and humans

B: hehe you get pixies, elves *murmurs: little self-considered bastards* vampires, demons, angels, orders, fairies, shifters, souls, shadows, soul menders, goddess children, and those are just the tip of my tongue

J: how does the whole mate thing work?

B: well most species like werewolves are blessed by the moon goddess or their own god like the original witch or whatever to have someone to love unlike humans who are easily allowed to chose we have been destined to love this 1 person (or in rare cases 2 and I super rare cases 3+) and the bond instantly form during first meeting and continues to grow as time goes on, but the bond can be broken by 1 side of the relationship rejecting the other or both rejecting each other and in only some rare times a mate will get a second chance at another mate but only if the god/goddess deems worthy but rejection is very hard to deal with on mates it will leave a deep scar not only on the outside but the inside to ti will make you have this empty feeling and many go mad and kill themselves or die some are lucky and survive and go on with their lives throuh there will always be an empty feeling

J: Are there like top packs? or like werewolf laws

B: Yes to both, the rules are easy to abide to though and with the packs its usually yet strongest pack is the top one sometimes the strongest packs can get taken down to though

J: I have to be a werewolf do you have to bite me or something

B: haha hell no that shit is in the books *wink* but its only in rare situations where a werewolves mate turns into a werewolf themselves

J:...uh how about kids?

B: Um...about that lately in the werewolf community alot of male wolf parings have been....coming up with...child

J: wait so I would get...pregnant?

B: I have no idea, to be honest

J: Ok um how does the whole pack thing work

B: Well its an order it goes Elder, Alpha, Alphas mate, Beta, Beta mate, Delta, Delta mate, Selsa, Selsa mate, Lead warrior, Leat warrior mate, Warriors, trackers, healers, and then omegas and rouges are usually wolves that are not in a pack they can be kicked out, banned, born as a rouge, self-made rouge, or any of that sort but not all rouges are bad some are just rouges who dont trust nor want to be involved in pack life but majority are ones who have committed some type of crime in the pack and were kicked out

J: ok so what are you?

B: Im an alpha well I will be once me I bring you home to our pack and get the whole cermony over with and once that is done me and you will be the alphas of my pack

J:Wait what!? I cant be an alpha

B: yes you can

J:Uh ,......................agree to disagree

B:what ever

----------------------------------------------------------------The End!)_______________________________

Sorry I know this wasnt that good but yeah byeee

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