Chapter 30- A New Life

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It took awhile for Theo to get over Harrison's death. It took awhile for everyone to get over his death. But Harrison got what he wanted and was buried next to his wife and Theo had his name engraved next to his wife's on the wedding ring too. The ring was now constantly sitting on Theo's right thumb as a reminder of what he inherited.  

Charlotte and Ben had gotten married six months after Harrison's death and were expecting their second child any day now. Their wedding was small and only consisted of the gang members, family and close friends. I would have offered Charlotte the wedding dress that I was wearing when I was being forced to marry Justin but we burnt that dress almost the next day because of the memories and the fact that it had massive blood stains on it that would have made it impossible to return or take to a dry cleaner without having to explain ourselves.

The dress that Charlotte chose to wear though was very much her. It had a tight fitting torso and flared to have a ballgown bottom and the entire dress was covered in sequins and sparkled when she stood under any lighting. Alexia, Violet and I were her bridesmaids and we each wore pale pink gowns that flowed to the floor and pooled at our feet. 

Since Nikki,Jace and Isaac were finally in mine and Theo's custody, Charlotte demanded to use Nikki as a flower girl and Jace as a ring boy. When I saw the two walking down the aisle, holding hands and smiling widely, the pride and joy I felt for the two caused my heart to ache. Leaning over and glancing at Theo, I saw the same smile that was plastered on my face etched on his.

Two months after the wedding Charlotte announced her pregnancy at the gang's first official meeting where Theo claimed he was chosen by Harrison to take over the leadership role. Another month after that both my parents announced that Charlotte and I would be co-partners for their company since they were getting bored and wanted to travel the world before it was too late.


After Harrison's death, Theo no longer liked being at his place all alone because it left him with the memories and his thoughts, so he sold his house and moved in with me so he could help look after the kids while Charlotte and I worked on our business and so I could finish my online schooling. 

Every Friday after Theo and I finished work he took me out to dinner while Ben and Char looked after the kids. While the date went on Theo told me stories of when he was in jail and I told him stories, mainly strengths and weaknesses, of Ace and his gang since some of them were still out there.

Jace started school and was spending most of his time telling us about all the magnificent things that he was learning everyday and all the friends he was making. Nikki started pre-school but wasn't as into it as Jace was. She was always complaining to Theo how she wished she was at home and every time Theo would tell her that school wasn't for everyone but everyone needed it.


When I woke up three days after I received the e-mail regarding the fact that I finished my online schooling, everyone in the house was acting strange.

Nikki and Jace kept glancing between me and Theo with a peculiar looks then they'd look at each others and start giggling. Whenever I asked them about it they'd assure me that it was nothing, even Theo was acting different by being extra mysterious and shady. He too gave the same answer as the kids when I asked him what was up.

While washing up the dishes, I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist.

"Sugar, I'm taking you out for dinner tonight, dress fancy please and I'll pick you up after work." Theo whispered in my ear, his warm breath fanning against my neck.

"Better not be another pizza restaurant, eating garlic bread with a knife and fork was embarrassing enough last time." I mumbled a faint smile playing at my lips at the memory.

"Eww can you please stop that!" Jace whined from the dining room table and Nikki started the weird giggling again. 

Snorting a laugh I walked over to the table and ruffed up Jace's and Nikki's hair then ushered them to start getting ready for their school day. Turning my attention to Theo I demanded where he was going to take me out tonight and what the occasion was because it wasn't a Friday, it wasn't anyone's birthday, we'd already celebrating me finishing my schooling and it wasn't anyone anniversary or death anniversary.

"Am I not allowed to surprise my girlfriend every once in a while or do I have to always have an occasion?" Theo asked with a smirk on his face as he grabbed his jacket and holster and put them on. Rolling my eyes I watched as Theo made his way to his car, climbed in and drove off, waving at me from the door.


"Mu- I mean Hazel! Da- um... Theo told me to tell you to hurry up. He's getting sick of waiting!" Jace yelled at me from the behind the door of my room.

Whenever him or Nikki went to say mum or dad and then changed halfway through the word the butterflies in my stomach flutter to life only to simmer back down in disappointment. They've been with me for two and a half years now and they still refuse to call me their mother even though they're in my custody. The only one who calls me mum is Isaac and that's only because he's now a toddler who I've looked after since he was a baby.

"Tell him I'm coming Jace, I'm just getting dressed now." I replied as I zipped up my dress and quickly pulled my shoes on.


While sitting at the table, waiting for our meal to arrive I couldn't help but ask about the kids weird behavior and if Theo knew anything about it.

"No I don't know they're kids I don't now anything that goes on in their heads," Theo told me while placing his hand atop mind and shifting in his chair. "But I can tell you I've been acting weird lately because I've been thinking about it, Hazel and I want to know if you'll make me the happiest man alive by being my wife."

Shocked. That's what I was.

"Oh my God! Yes Theo, yes!" I squealed causing some strange looks to be thrown my way by some of the other customers.


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