Chapter 8- The Beach Kiss

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Hazel's POV

I had never been more thankful for the weekend in my entire life. This week  I had a mathematics test, an English exam and an art statement that I had due. I also had a cheerleader tryout that I auditioned for and somehow made the team.

The crew, which consisted of Violet, Alexia and Theo, decided to go to the beach this weekend and spend it soaking up the sun and making the most of this glorious day.

Alexia and Violet attempted to teach me to surf but it failed miserably. Theo just floated on his board laughing at all of my attempts.

Us girls also decided to have a sand castle building competition.Theo thought it would be fun to destroy my castle, therefore eliminating me from the competition. We went and got ice-cream, had PROPER surfing lessons, Theo climbed trees to get us coconuts to drink, swam in the surf and read a book while we sun tanned.

Alexia and Violet went to the bathroom and left Theo and I swimming in the waves by ourselves. I don't know if it was too much sun or if I was dehydrated but I am pretty sure that Theo had started flirting with me. Or maybe he was just laughing a lot more and being extra friendly... I'n not too sure.

But I did know one thing and that was the fact that if Theo wasn't flirting with me then I was flirting with him. Whenever he told a lame joke or teased me for the fact that I was becoming slightly burnt on the cheeks and it made me look like I was blushing I would giggle.

I was giggling so hard that I felt like by the end of the day I would have rock hard abs. Maybe abs almost as good as Theo's... wait what...

"Aw look at that adorable look on your face. And your cheeks are so pink. What naughty things were you think of Miss Hazel Corbins?" Theo teased, "I really hope they weren't of me," he finished with a wink.

I splashed a heap of water in Theo's face only for him to duck under water. About 30 seconds passed before I felt a tug on my foot, pulling me under water. I resurfaced, gasping for air.

Theo laughed once again and I joined in soon after. I caught him staring at my face and this time I felt my cheeks actually become warm.

Theo stared some more and I felt my eyes become lost in his own. He swam a little closer to me and suddenly I felt his hand clamp onto the back of my neck. The warmness of my cheeks doubled. His lips came crashing down on my own.

I was taken aback at first. But soon found my own lips moving with his. I wrapped my arms around Theo's neck and allowed him to tread all the water.

Bliss. That's the word I would use to describe this moment. Absolute and utter bliss.

A few split seconds later Theo pulled away. An absolute shocked expression crossed his face, but was soon replace with a mask of worry and amusement.

"I shouldn't have done that," Theo stated. He quickly swam to the shore but turned around and looked at me. A small smile played at the edges of his lips and he blew me a kiss before smirking and sauntered away.

He's unbelievable. And he knows it.

"Hey Hazel! Alexia and I were just going to go get lunch. Want to join us since your little make out session is over?" Violet shouted to me from the shore.

The thought of others watching me and Theo kiss caused the redness to return to my cheeks.

I had a lot of explaining to do to them over lunch then.

"Coming!" I replied back and rushed to get out of the water.



I saw him. I saw him kiss her. That means that she belongs to him. She belongs to Theo Griffin, the lead fighter, drug-dealer and leader's right hand man. I take her and I basically can hold her hostage and in return I can become the most feared gang in the state.



I returned home after a whole day of sun and had a delicious dinner of Mac N' Cheese. I checked out my tan in the mirror after my shower and wasn't surprised to see that I was almost as brown as the skin of a kiwi fruit. After a session of catch up homework I decided to call it a night and go to bed early.

The sound of a window swinging open in the wind caused me to hop out of bed and check my surroundings. Even though I had lived here for about two months now, I still liked to be aware of my surroundings. I rounded a corner to the living room and saw a silhouette of a man standing there.

Before I could ask who he was or how he had gotten there a hand clamped around my mouth. I squirmed and bit down on my captor's hand. He screamed a muffled scream but it wasn't anything compared to the piecing one that erupted from my throat.

Another hand suddenly wrapped around my nose and too soon my vision started to blur. The last thing I saw, as I lay on the ground fighting to keep my eyes open, to scream out for Charlotte, was the feet of the silhouetted man. 


Hey guys! Thanks for taking the time to read this story it truly means the world to me.It would also mean the world to me if you checked out my other book called: The Fighter.

The Fighter is about a girl (Jasmine) whose father was kidnapped five years ago. She has been in foster care for those five years and is now about to return home and continue the search for her father. To help find her father she takes up underground fighting and in the process meet an old friend.

Have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening/night and remember to vote and comment.

This chapter has been edited and checked for mistakes.


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