Belief in Allah.

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The 6 aspects (articles) of Belief.

1. Belief in Allah.
Allah is the personal name of the One True God. "Allah" is the unique Arabic name of The One True God . Allah has no rivals, partners , equals , children or parents. He is not like His creation , as nothing shares His divine essence and perfect attributes. Some of His names and attributes include: The Creator, The Most Merciful , The Most High , The All-Powerful, The Most Just, The All-Wise, The Sustainer and The All-knowing.

He is the Creator and Sustainer of all, the One who has granted us countless blessings , such as our faculties of hearing , seeing and thinking , as well as the ability to walk , talk and be productive. As such ,vwe should acknowledge , thank and worship Him alone by following His guidance .

It is rational to conclude that such a complex and balanced universe is not possible by any other than a powerful and intelligent being . It is therefore illogical to believe that the universe created itself , or was the result of random or coincidental events .


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