My Dads 5sos

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My name is Avery Hemmings-Irwin-Hood-Clifford. I know that is long, but I have four dads so... And I don't know how I was born cause they wont tell me, and if they don't tell you, I don't think you want to know any more. Well, anyway, I have waist length brown hair, my eye color depends on my mood, love all bands and music, especially my daddies, I'm sixteen years old. I love dogs and the song Every thing is awesome, its from the LEGO movie. I weigh 124, height 5'2. I sing, but not in front of people, ever. And I sometimes get a spanking if I'm really bad, or no playing drums for a month, which will really suck, and get electronics taken away. Well lets get to the story!



     Right now, I'm playing my drums in my room Ashton gave me on my 10th Birthday. And i was just playing a beat i always get in my head. That's how they got the drum beat in Don't Stop, and many more of their songs, not that I'm bragging. Ashton walked in giving me a look to stop, so i did my last beat and stopped. "What's up?" i ask, panting. "We are gonna go meat up with the Brits and Irish at Nandos, do you wanna come?"

     "Yea, sure, just let me freshen up a bit." i say getting up off the drumming stool(that's what i call it). He nods and walks out shutting the door behind him. I wiped the sweat from my for head, and walked into my bath room and turned the shower on, waiting for it to get to the right temp.

     Once it was, i stripped my cloths off, and got into the shower. I grabbed my shampoo and put a right amount in the palm of my hand and massaged my scalp, washed out the soap, put in my conditioner, washed that out, shaved, washed my body, and got out. I wrapped my body in a towel and walked over to my wardrobe, and open the doors and walk in, picking out(picture is on the side) and walking out and going into the living room seeing that the others are already ready. "Hey Homies." i say, making them jump.

     "Fuck, you scared me." Michael says. "Michael, language." Luke glares at him. i roll my eyes saying we should get going. we were about to walk out the door, but i said I'm gonna get my phone real quick. I ran up the stairs and into my room getting my phone and BEAT head phones, and ran back down stairs. "I'm back." i say in my deep Australian accent. "okay, then lets go." Luke says annoyed, and walking out the door and to the car. Wow, hes never like this, ever. We got into the car and the order went, Luke drives Michael gets shot gun, I'm in the middle with Ashton on my right and Calum on my left. Luke starts the car and we were off.

     "FUCKING GO ALREADY!" Luke screams to the driver in front of us. Now, I'm concerned. "Daddy L, are you oka-"

     "I'm fine now would ya leave me alone." Luke interrupts quite harshly. "Well thanks for the chat." i say rolling my eyes. "Watch that attitude missy," Luke warns looking at me through the rear-view mirror. "Me? Have you heard your self lately?" i say sassily, almost shouting out of annoyance. "Okay, when we get home, you are getting spanking and your drums taken away." Luke says sternly. "You know what, I'm never helping you with your songs ever again, and you can thank Luke." i say pretty pissed. Luke stops the car completely and turns around. "out." he says, "what, your kicking me out the car?." "yes, now get out, walk your way to Nandos." i look at the boys for any sign of help, but none. i huff and climb over Calum's lap and out the car door. And as soon as i was out the car and shut the door, they were off.

     i throw my arms up and scream out of anger and run my way too Nandos, which was 11 fucking minuets. When i finally got to Nandos, i was a panting mess and i walked in and to the front desk. "Hello, may i help you?" a woman in her early 20s asked. "Yes please, is there a reservation for a Mr. Horan?" i ask polity. She looks at her computer and nods. "Well, what table?"

     "I'm sorry, I'm not telling you that." i huff and pull my hat off, making her gasp. "Oh my gosh, your.." I sigh, "Yes i am, now can you please tell me which table please?" She instantly nods her head, "Yes Ma'am, the 2nd table down the middle." i thank her and go to the table, and yes, they were all there, with all worried faces, except Luke.

     "i hope you four knows I'm never EVER forgiving you." i say sitting down next to Liam. "Why not?" Ashton asks hurt. I sit up a bit and look at him. "You did absolutely nothing to help me and let Luke tell me out of the car." i say in a duh tone. "It's not our faults, you know how Luke can get." Ashton almost yells. "Urg, fine, I forgive you three, but not Luke." Michael Ashton and Calum smile at me. I look over at the Brits and Irish. "So, guys hows it going?" I ask stupidly. "It's fine I guess." Niall says looking around.

   "Good goo-." I was interrupted by screaming and giggling, like really. "Oh my god, can we get an autograph and a better girl cause that bitch right there is ugly and fake." This fake ass bitch says, pointing to me. I get up and get in her face. "I'm the bitch and fake one, have you looked in a mirror lately, it looks like a crown raped your face this morning, and wait, I think your mirror broke so of course you can't look in a mirror." I say looking up and rubbing my chin.

     I felt a burning sensation in my eye and realized, that this bitch, Punched me. "Some one...hold my hoops...this bitch is crazy!" I say huffing and puffing. They all get up and somehow found a way to hold my arms. "Security, get them out now!" Luke yells. Huh, he must be in a much better mood. Security comes and drags them out. "Are you okay?" Luke asks worried knelling in front of me. "Oh so now your nice." I say sarcastically. "Look, I'm really sorry, my life long pet dog died this morning and I was sad and mad cause he got hit my a careless driver." Wow, oof.

     I put on a guilty face and hug him tight. "It's okay, but I don't have an excuse of being an ass cause I always am." Luke pulls away and gives me a don't-say-that face. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek, Making people in Nandos 'awww'. I blush and hide my face in Luke's neck.

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