Pretty Woman

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*3 Weeks Later*

Y/n'sP. O. V.

"OMG omfg OMG..!" I looked at the clock and ran out of the building towards the apartment. "DAD PICK UP THE PHONE! " I yelled down the street and everyone turned to stare at me.

Once my dad picked up, "Dad! OMG! Have you reached?!" He laughed on the other line and I slapped myself mentally. "Not a time to joke!" I yelled again and he groaned.

"Alright! I'm already here with your groom. He's looking pretty good to me." I smiled and bit my lips. "Mhm, Of course he looks good, he always does."

"Oh really?~" evan spoke and I blushed. "Fuc- y-you put me on speakers?!" He laughed along with my dad and I sighed. This is going to be hell for me.

"Alright I'll be there soon.. Bye!" I threw my phone into my bag and hailed for a cab. After reaching there, I quickly took a shower and made my way to the wedding avenue.

My God.. I'm so damn nervous.. Jeez. Take deep breaths.. Take deep breaths..

Once I was there, I saw a few bridemades waiting impatiently for me and I smiled before going to them. "Heyy!" I waved and the guys run to me. "Hey you should really get going.. Like seriously."

I gritted my teeth in frustration and ran into the room while the girls ran inside and started stripping me. I felt extremly uncomfortable but I rolled with it.

"Girl, wear this.." She tossed it to me and my face darkened.

" She tossed it to me and my face darkened

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"Wha.. No!" I threw it back and she grabbed me. "You better do It. Trust me. The wedding dress covers it so calm down" My eyes went wide and I wore it, Uncomfortably.

She tied my hair up perfectly and did my makeup while I sat there exicted and still a little nervous.

Evans P. O. V.

"Which one would y/n like?" Jon asked and I smiled. I grabbed the one with the suspenders and bowtie attached at the collar. He smirked at me and I stared in confusion.

"Your so in love.. I can just smell it." I gave a embarassed giggle and he laughed out loud. I didn't meant it to come out as a giggle.. "My bad.." I laughed along and sprayed some perfume as I perfectly styled the way Y/n loved it.

I wanted to take a peek at my darling but the bridemaids will kill me. "I Should get going.. The guys are going to kill me." Jon laughed and left me in the room alone.

"Psst!" I spun around and notice it was Katie smirking. "What?" I walked towards her and she fixed my bowtie. "Y/n's nervous. How do I clam her down?"

"Tell her, I'll come there and kiss her. She doesn't have to worry about it." She giggled and left the room towards y/n's.

Y/n' s P. O. V.

My face brightened at what he told katie. "How does he look?" I asked and Katie gave a thumbs up. "Pretty sexy..actually.." I gave a glare and she surrendered. "I have Tyler!"

"Sure.." Simone knudged her arm and Katie rolled her eyes. "Honey?" My dad called out and I ran to him. "Dad!  ARE YOU OKAY?!ARE YOU GOOD?" He smiled and placed his hand on my cheeks.

"You look just like your mother.." I felt a tear run down my cheeks and he instantly wiped it away. "Dad.. I wished she was here to see this.."

"I wished for it too.. You can do this. You don't have to worry.. He's going to take care of you now. Alright dear?"

I nodded and he hugged me. "I know I wasn't supposed to see you right now but let's not mention this talk alright?" He winked and I laughed.

"Sure dad." As he left, the girls enter and did the last minute touch-ups before I grabbed evans favourite perfume and sprayed it on myself.

I thought about all the times we had to go through for this one moment and I laughed to myself. I did find my boyfriend.. Husband.. I loved him. I don't have any more other words to express the feeling I have towards this.. Guy.

"Hey c'mon your gonna be late!" Katie yelled and grabbed my arm gently pulling me towards the beautiful cabin near the lake.

"We're good to go.." I whispered and made my way down to the hall.

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