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Y/N P. O. V.

I went back home and noticed Katie not around. But I was wrong until I got jump scared from the closet. "So how did It go?!" I threw the file onto the table and paced up and down.

"I can't believe you made me ask those questions?! Are you fucking crazy..I looked so stupid." I yelled and she patted my back. "Cmon.. What really happened."

"Well.. He wants to bring me to dinner today at 7..he's picking me up." Katie screamed and I swear I became deaf in one ear. "Omg shut the fuck up!" I yelled and she ran to pick out a dress. "Go fucking get ready!"

I rolled my eye's and took a short shower, I took the dress and stared at it. "Fuck no." She rolled her eyes and whined. "Please y/n! It's a date.. You have to look good!" I rolled my eyes and sighed before wearing it.

This is a huge mistake. She curled my hair and I did my makeup. "Gurl.. You looks good." I smiled and a knock was heard on the door. "Omommggg he's at the door!" She whispered and I went to open.

"Hey-" he looked at me and he stared at the way I looked. I felt shy instantly and blushed. "Are we ready? My driver is waiting." He cut the silence and Katie twirled her hair. He didn't seem to care.

"Let's go shall we?" I took his arm as he led me to the car.

Evans P. O. V.

She looked gorgeous. Beautiful in everyway. I couldn't stop staring at her. She got my interest when she yelled at my secretary and again when she did the interview.

What more could she do, that's what I want to know. She looked sexy.. to me but no one knows the secrets that I hold. Just to myself. "Mr. Fong-" I cut her off and spoke. "Call me Evan." She smiled and continued.

"Evan.. Where exactly are we going?" She asked nervous as she bit her lips and played with her dress. "The restraunt. Then we'll figure the rest out once we are done." She nodded and kept a distance between us.

"Sir we are Here." My driver, Marcel spoke and I got out. I opened the door for her and she held onto my hand. "Ah, Mr. Fong and.. " she looked at y/n with disgust and I frowned.

"Ms. L/N." I growled and she noticed. She brought us to the table and y/n took a seat. "This place looks expensive." She huffed and I gave a smile. "I'm sure it's nothing that I can't afford."

"Right.. " her voice went low and she looked at the menu. She continued to stare and I waited impatiently. "Ms. L/N, are you going to order?" I asked and she looked up at me. "Oh sorry.. I'll get the chicken and potatoe rossiete."

"I'll get the lobster and enchilada special." She nodded and another waiter came towards us. "Also, Give me your best wine." He went away and we were both sitting down quietly.

"So, what do you like to do?" I asked and she smiled widely. "I love reading. I also love to play video games. It's like a stress free activity I do." I smiled. It's been a long time since I gamed. A long time since I broke the relationship with my friends.

Only some of them stood up by with me. "Okay so what are some things you do?" She asked and I cleared my throat. "I love doing activities that suit my mood at that moment." She looked at me confused and I dropped the topic.

We continue to eat in silence that was comfortable and after a few more conversations, I led her to the car. As we we're driving back, she got out abruptly and ran into the club. What the hell..

"Y/N!" I called out and noticed her with Tyler and the others.. I backed away up to a wall and noticed she took a few shots..


"hey come back!" David yelled and she tumbled onto the ground.

I grabbed her and noticed she was drunk and she passed out. What did she drink and what the hell happened? I mean we had a few glasses of wine too.

I told Marcel to bring her back to my house and soon I reached too. I unlocked my door, placing her gently on the bed and I took her dress off.

I noticed her lace undergarments and shook my head. I placed my sweatshirt on her and draped the covers over her.

I took my shirt off and layed there in my boxers. I shut the lights and looked at her face. She seemed so peaceful..

Y/N P.O.V.

I woke up to a bright light hitting my face and I clutched onto my head. Ow.. "What the f-" I looked around and noticed this wasn't my room. "Morning." A familiar voice was heard and he stood there shirtless with some orange juice and pills in his hand.

"What happened? Did we do anything?" I asked panicking and he chuckled. "We didn't do anything. You got drunk so I had to bring you back from the club." I bit onto my lips.

"You changed my clothes?!" I freaked and he sighed. "Well.. Your clothes reeked and I had to change you since you weren't able to do it yourself."

He gave me the pills and the juice while I gulped it down. "So why did you run to Tyler and the others?" I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know him?" I asked and he looked out the window.

"We used to know each other but I'm not going to dwell on that. Have the toasts and you can be on your way."

I took the toasts and ate it. It tastes really good.. I noticed the bed dent and I opened my eyes. He crawled towards me and bit onto the piece of bread in my hand before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

I blushed and ate the toasts finish. "I'd love to see you again. Now I'll drop you off at home." He said it like nothing just happened and I frowned.

I got up and noticed I was in my underwear. He smirked and looked away. My face already red that is, I grabbed his sweatpants and wore it. Seemed oddly big but I didn't mind.

"Lets go." He wore his sweatshirt and we went to his car. "Marcel." I shook his hand and after a long car ride I reached home.

I opened the door and he followed. I immediately burst out laughing and looked away. "Oh god!" Evan laughed and I smiled.. The first time he actually laughed. It sounded unique.

"Omg I'm so sorry.." Katie yelled and grabbed the towel. "Whats up man." He brofisted evan and I tilted my head. "My brother, Jamie" I gave an 'oh' face and katie blushed.

"We'll leave you guys.." They both ran to the room and Evan stood there. "So I'll see you again?" He asked and I thought for a moment. "Yes.. I would I like that." I bit my lips.

That moment, he leaned in and I never expected what was about to happen actually. He pressed his lips against mine and I shut my eyes. I placed my hands around his neck and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

We pulled away and my face went bright pink. "See you again Ms. L/N"
"I'll See you again, Mr. Fong."

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