-- EIGHT --

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It physically didn't take long to arrive at the airport in Edinburgh, however mentally Reece felt as though he had been sat in the metal cage for ages. Time was a crazy, confusing process that made the short one hour and thirty minutes journey feel like more than five hours. The only image in his head was the last time he saw Amelia stood at the airport while he reassured her that it was only three weeks away.

"Reece, mate, you might wanna fetch your head from the clouds real quick - we're going to miss our taxi." The tall brown haired boy shouted from about ten meters in front. Reece's body lacked the motivation, energy, and willingness to be social. It was as though he had left it all in the Airport where he left Amelia.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit tired. Do we have plans for today or can we just chill in the hotel room?" All he wanted was to sleep. Sleep away the thoughts that consumed his mind, sleep away the lack of motivation in his system, sleep away the love that was growing in his heart.

"Nope, nothing until tomorrow. However we do want to talk to you about something when we get to the hotel. Something is clearly on your mind and we're going to get to the bottom of it." He knew he would have to tell them at some point. They were too curious and noticed too much for him to keep it a secret. This tour would be the one where he finally confesses his feelings about Amelia to his best friends/band mates.

"Sure, let's just get there first"


Half an hour later they had reached the first hotel room they would stay in upon this tour. Silently hoping that Blake and George had forgotten about the converse they wish to have about Reece's distant mind set, the blonde rose from his position on his bed to go and make a hot drink.

"I'm making a coffee, anyone want anything while I'm up?"

"Yeah go on then, we can have this chit-chat over some coffee" The brown haired Mancunian stated, mentioning the dreaded conversation that was bound to be bought up. Was telling the two boys about this "crush" a good idea?

Crush - a brief, intense infatuation for someone. Often someone unattainable.

"I'm alright mate, still drinking this fizzy from the airport" The second blonde had purchased a drink from a duty-free upon landing and was currently slouched on one of three beds sipping it.

Once the drinks were finished, he made his way towards the bed that the other two had perched on waiting for the conversation to start. Questions sped round their minds about why their friend was so far up in the clouds recently.

"Right, mate, we're just going to get straight to the point. You've been really distant and away with the fairies recently. What's going on inside that crazy head of yours." Blake started the discussion. There was no way to dodge around the truth, the three were too close to each other to know when one was lying - but was it lying? Or was it just covering the truth for a little longer?

"A lot really. Honestly I have no idea whats going on up there. There's just thoughts going round and round about this one thing that I haven't told anyone about." Reece couldn't control his speech anymore. His mind had taken over. There was no going back.

"Maybe this is your body giving you signs that you need to tell someone this thing." The shorter blonde's theory made sense. Maybe the thought of Amelia was driving him so crazy that his body had decided it couldn't contain the idea anymore.

"I agree with G on that one. Nothing stays a secret forever."

"I just don't know how you will react. It's something I've been thinking about for ages but just don't know how to say it." It hurt him, keeping a secret from his friends. They told each other a lot about their personal lives - family, problems, love interests.

"You're not leaving the band are you? I won't let you."

"No! Of course not! I could never leave you guys!"

"Well what is it then?"

"Right what I'm about to say must stay between us three. No one can know about this." He replied, putting emphasis on the 'must'. It didn't feel right keeping constant secrets. It didn't feel right not having Amelia know completely everything.

Secret - unknown or not meant to be known by others.

"Wait so we're finding out something that not even Amelia knows? Oh my god Blake we're special!"

"Well it's about Amelia. I may kind of like her in a more then friends way?" The taller of the blondes finally admitted. A weight lifted off his shoulders as the secret was put out into the open air of the closed up hotel room.

"WE CALLED IT! WE KNEW YOU LIKED HER! MATE YOU GOTTA GET YOUR GIRL! SHE SOOOO LIKES YOU BACK!" The pair shouted in an abnormally high pitched voice as if they were two girls finding out they were going to meet their idols.

"She clearly doesn't. I'm so worried about her right now. What if Samuel tries to come back into her life and I'm not there to stop him? What if shes with him when we go back?" The questions he constantly asked himself fell out while worry and panic plagued his usually calm tone of voice.

"I doubt she would ever do that mate, he did some messed up, unforgivable stuff. Shes mental if she even thinks of going back to him." He knew Blake was right, but something seemed off. He knew she missed him. What was stopping her from contacting him again?

"Yeah, Blakes right. If she goes back to him then thats her problem. Sometimes you just have to let people make their mistakes."

"What do I do guys? I don't like this at all. I don't understand all this stuff." He had liked people before Amelia, they met in primary school. However the feelings towards her became more and more prominent throughout secondary school.

"You get through this tour. Call her every now and then. Invite her to the London show. When you're home, go see her. All you can do right now is wait and see what happens."

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