-- TEN --

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The piercing sound of an alarm woke two of the three boys up from their sleep. Blake was never an early riser, waking him up always took longer.

"Wakey wakey Blakey Blakey" The shorter blonde teased as he collapsed on the bed Blake was asleep in. For some unknown reason, the alarm never seemed to disturb the brown haired boys sleep - no matter how loud it was. The trio had an early start for last minute rehearsals before the first show tomorrow, and they were already running short of time.

"What do you want George? Has Reece finally asked Amelia out or are you waking me up for nothing." The words fell out slower than a snails pace as he slowly sat up, looking at the human alarm. Mornings on tour seemed to have a routine - the two blondes would wake up on the alarm and while one went to make drinks, the other woke the male version of Sleeping Beauty up.

"Not quite mate but I made coffee" The other blonde stated, sauntering towards the set of beds with three mugs.

"Seriously R, you need to talk to her. You've sat for so long, watching her practically hurting herself time after time due to wrong decisions. I think it's about time she has some happiness in her life, and you too." The brown haired boy spoke so much sense for only waking up five minutes ago. However, no matter how much the thought of telling Amelia how he felt plagued his mind, he couldn't do it. Too much was at stake.

"I want to tell her, but I can't. I'm not prepared to risk everything we've built up as friends. If she doesn't like me in the same way it would just end up being awkward and I don't want that at all. Now can we forget I even told you any of this yesterday, I want to make good memories on this tour - not confusing ones." The more the two boys kept openly fantasising about Reece and Amelia being together, the more wound up the tall blonde got. He knew the thought was an unbearable impossibility. A sheer dream. A simple fantasy.

"Whatever you say mate, lets get on with this then."


The day slowly progressed, a small clock in the corner of the dressing room ticking past in a continuous rhythm as each second passed by. Time felt as though it was proceeding quicker than usual, the day to see Amelia again getting closer and closer. However the thought of her had moved it's way to the back of the blondes mind as the first show of tour was starting in less than two hours. The meet and greet was a breeze, as was the sound check. A few questions were asked about the blondes love life and feelings towards his brunette friend down the other end of the country. Some had noticed how he clearly had something on his mind, but chose not to ask about it incase of disturbing the thought bubble he seemed to have.

His fear of the brunette coming back into his mind mid-show had become a reality. There was nothing he wanted more than to be with her in that very moment. Nothing he wanted more than to be surrounded by the simple smell of her perfume. Nothing he wanted more than her.


Once the show had finished, the blonde took himself back to the hotel room to start packing up his suitcase ready for travel to the next arena early in the morning. While placing items in and taking some out, he came across a small, well-folded, piece of paper sat in the left foot of his trainers. Carefully unfolding it, he sat on one of three beds before reading it. The more he read, the more his mind created her voice as if she was there reading it to him.

"Dear Reece,
I'm not sure when, or if, you will find this while on tour but if you do then hey - it's me Amelia!
I know you were worried about leaving me behind for so long so I decided to write this little note. Isn't it crazy how just over three-hundred miles feels like three-thousand? Isn't it crazy just how much you can miss someone before they've even left? Hey I might be onto something here! Go ahead and say that I'm crazy, but you're crazy too. Ooh I like that, I'm gonna write that down somewhere! I found a quote the other day that I feel like you need to read. You'll have to remind me to send it to you as I don't have it to hand right now. Anyways Bibby, you're probably really busy so I'll cut it off here. Remember what you told me - it's only three weeks. I hope you have the best time ever, and have loads of fun - but not too much, you're still young!
Love you lots like jelly tots - Lia xx"

Deciding to put the paper in his back pocket to avoid over thinking the situation, he carried on placing items in the suitcase. The words she wrote stuck in his head like they had been glued. "Go ahead and say that I'm crazy, but you're crazy too", he repeated to himself while pointlessly pacing the hotel room - creating a sort of melody as he went.

"Hey dude, what you singing?" Blake questioned as he walked into the room with a bag of take-away in one hand - George following close behind.

"Nothing really, just some words Lia wrote in this note she left me in my suitcase." The tallest of the blondes replied, bringing the note from his back pocket into view of the others.

"Eh George did you hear that? Reece has a little admirer! Lia's left him a note in his suitcase!" The brown haired bandmate shouted through the walls to his small blonde friend who had gone to the bathroom.

"Blake seriously mate I thought we decided to not talk about the subject anymore!" Reece huffed, pushing the paper back into his pocket and going to get a drink.

"Doesn't mean I can't mock you still!"


A/N - hey! hope you're still enjoying this book! I linked Crazy at the top cause it's a bop😂. Trying to get chapters out but have had so much school work recently x

Word count - 1070

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