Behind every man

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Am I pretty enough?

Does he want something new, more adventurous?

What don't I have? Bigger boobs, butt?


*fades to black*

Ladies, why must we do this to ourselves? Why must we let men control everything? Why give them the power to crush our self-esteem? I've stand by as my "father" controlled my mother until she was just an empty vase. Behind every man theres a woman pulling the string, wheres our praise? Its only right that we get a reward after all we've stand next to you and cared for you while giving every last strength we had till the end, do we still get recognition: NO! Some men are too blinded to see what precious gem they have so they tend to throw it away for a piece of garbage. At last theres good men, despite their horrible background; poor, rich, racist. Some tend to turn out great and reliable, I'm not saying you should marry or date any ex convict you find. Anyway.. These guys know not to take anything or anyone for granted, they treasure what they have even if its a wife, girlfriend, and/or sister. If you're one of those guys who've come out on top no matter what has happened. Please stay that way, don't ever change EVER! the world needs more guys like you, so thank you for treating us right.

(Spotlight fades, curtains up)

Man: I'm sorry honey, I shouldn't have hurt you like that. The truth is I love you just the way you are and I love the way that you smile, and the dimples you have, even the body 😏. The only way what we have could be messed up is if I say one more idiotic shit like today, as long as you're trying I will always try because I love you ❤️

Now give daddy some sugar *laughs*

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