I wish for all your dreams to come true

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"Dreams are those untouchable things that show up while we sleep, and are only a reality if you make it touchable" says Paris 😋. On some levels are agree with her only you can make your dreams real, sure people can try to undermine you but don't let them and you'll be just fine. On the other hand when you wish for all your dreams to come true just know nightmares are dreams too. You know the ones you wake up at night, breathing heavily from and not being able to go back to sleep. Sure they can sometimes be scary but the only reason they exist is because you've been putting it off or you're deeply afraid to face it head on. So which one is stopping you?

Listen the next time you wish for your dreams to come true, realize that if you can't face your nightmares then don't even try. Only when you stand up to what scares you can you really reach your dreams.

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