Eight- Library Voices

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Lenora is a handful.

First, she insisted at stopping at a gas station and stumbling around through the isles for twenty minutes looking for Cool Ranch Doritos.

Then, at the register, she decided she didn't like Cool Ranch Doritos and wanted Barbecue Lays Chips instead.

After I finally payed for them and started to drag her out of the store while the cashier and the other customers looked at us like we were crazy—which in their defense we did look crazy—she grabbed two Cadbury Cream Eggs off a shelf and tried to put them in her pocket. With just our luck the cashier saw her and threatened to call the cops.

Only Lenora is capable of pissing this many people off within the hour.

It took my ten minutes to calm the cashier down and apologize on her behalf before I gave him the money for the candy egg things. Once we had finally made it to the tiny red brick library, Lenora started complaining about how she wanted Cool Ranch Doritos.

Pain. In. My. Ass.

We received some dirty glares from the librarian when I carried Lenora in with her food clutched in her right hand and her left arm draped over my shoulder; but, it's a public library so they can't kick us out.

"Are you almost done?" I ask for the millionth time. I have been siting in the same chair for over an hour as Lenora types away at the boxy white dinosaur of a computer.

We were politely told to shut up forty minutes ago by the librarian in purple glasses after I saw Lenora scrolling through American Eagle clothing website.

Needless to say I yelled at her and she just laughed.

Pain in my fucking ass.

Since then I haven't moved my butt from my chair behind her and kept my eyes glued to her screen. She scrolls too fast for me to read over her shoulder and I'm almost positive she is barely reading anything either but she refuses to get up until she finds a lead.

"Yeah, I found the book I read it in: Escape from Abusive Mates."


"I've never hit you—"

"Shut up," she snaps and continues to scroll through the pdf of the book. "You've tried to kill me multiple times. Besides this is our only option."

She tried to kill me too and almost actually succeeded. I don't want to reminisce about that night.

I don't like the fact that I lose to her and I don't like that fact that I didn't get what I wanted to from those tunnels. Now I'm about as far from them as possible and Damon probably has his hands on it right now.

"I have to pee," she announces and stands up abruptly.

She stumbles away and for a moment I think about following her just to make sure she doesn't walk off a cliff but we're in a library.

What could possibly happen in a library? Especially with an old lady in purple glasses hissing at you for talking.

I tap my fingers on the table in front of me.

Pointer finger.

Middle finger—my favorite.

Ring finger.

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