Back In The Bush

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Sophie POV

"That bastard!" My anger had evolved into rage. I had a flesh wound on my arm as a doctor was looking it over. "Please stop moving." "I will not let him get away with this." I put one of my nails in between my teeth. "Death." I moved my head across the room to look at the head of my security. "I know the FBI will here in a matter of days. I'm going to pack a few of my things and then I want to set this place on fire. Then I want to kill every member of the Brown family." My laugh echoed through the house as the doctor put the gauze around my arm.

Blaine POV

I opened my eyes to see the sun streaming in from the windows. I turned my head to an empty bed. I started to worry when I didn't hear a single noise in the house. I quickly got out of bed and raced into the bathroom. She wasn't in the bathroom when I walked out of the room into the kitchen. There was mess in the kitchen with a bloody knife. "Snowbird!" Then I looked up and saw the blood trail leading to an open door. "Snowbird!" I ran out the door to see her laying on the ground. "Baby." I raced over to her to see blood seeping into the grass. "No. No. No." I rolled her onto her back when I saw a stab wound in her stomach. "Baby." I tried to put some pressure on the wound as more blood came out. "You can't be dead." Tears were coming to my eyes. Her skin was white as snow and life was drained out of her beautiful eyes. "I can't live without you! No! Come back to me baby!" "Blaine! Blaine!" I noticed that I was being pulled when I was called away from my thoughts.

I opened my eyes again to see I was back in the room. I could smell bacon cooking in the kitchen. "Blaine, breakfast is ready." I slowly get out of bed and make my way into kitchen when I saw her wearing my shirt. She was standing over the stove as I raced over to her. She turned to look at me as I held her at arm's length to check her wounds. "Are you okay?" "Your alive." I took her into my arms as I just held her. "Last time that I checked I had pulse." "I just had a nightmare." "It's okay. I'm just ready to be back in the bush with our family." She looked up at me as kissed her. "The pancakes are burning." She released me as she returned to the stove. I grabbed two plates from the cabinet as I fixed our plates with the food she had already cooked. We ate breakfast together before we got ready to leave. She packed the rest of her things as I helped her out the door. We walked down to the dock as we got on our boat together. We did everything to get us off the dock and we were off.

We were halfway home when I Snowbird came to join me at the wheel. "Are you ready to be home?" "I'm ready to be back in bush with my entire family." "You know that Chloe, Christine, and Rainy are supposed to have their babies pretty soon." "I wish we could have more children." "I wish we could too." She kissed my ear when we saw our cove. "Why don't you sound the horn?" She smiled at me as horn blared from our boat. We saw some of the family making their way to the beach when they saw us. "It's great to be home." "We won't be home until we are in our own home, in our bed, and we have our children close by." She kissed me as we reached the cove.

Snowbird POV

We reached the dock as I tied us off and I stepped up to meet my children. "Hi babies!" I took both boys in my arms when Blaine joined me and hugged Willow. I saw the tears forming in his arms as he held his daughter. We were both over whelmed by each member of the family that surrounded us. We heard about the death of Chloe and then Scarlett had gone into labor just before we had gotten here. I saw my sister standing in the back with John. She was very pregnant. "Rainy, you look as if your about to pop." "I know because I'm very miserable." "Are you sure that you're just having one child?" We both laughed. "Welcome back, Blaine." He stepped around me to give her a hug and shake John's hand. "I'm actually going to go lay back down." John put his arm around her waist as he tried to help her walk back to their cabin. "I remember what that feels like." He put his arm around me when we were pushed forward at bit. Our children had grabbed all of our legs. "Liam is walking!" Tears were coming to my eyes as I saw my baby walking for the first time. We each picked up two kids and walked back to our cabin.

All the women were preparing dinner for the entire family as they were all together again.

Sophie POV

I was standing next to the helicopter as I watched the house burn. I built my dream house in the African Savanna. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder as I turned to look at them. Daniel was looking over at me. "Are we ready to finish what we started?" "The gang is all here." I turned to see Andrew, Jeremy, Chris, and David were all looking at me. "Do they think all of you are dead?" "They sure do." I laughed along with them. "To bad that Johnny isn't here to see this." "Let's finish making their life a living hell." We all laughed as we all got into the helicopter.

Emmett POV

Scarlett was holding Dylan after we had gotten both cleaned up. The family was taking turns coming in to see the new baby. He was born two weeks early, but Grace said that everything was perfectly normal. I watched as everyone looked over our new baby.

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