part 4 hannie or cannie

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Back at the house
Carson:are you ok Annie
Annie:i just really need a hug
Carson hugs Annie
Carson:*whispers* it's going to be ok
Private room
Hayden:i honestly don't know why I cheated on her but what she doesn't know is that I came back for her *winks* 😉
End of private room
Leena:annie and loren can I talk to you guys alone
You guys go outside
Loren:so what did you want to talk about
Leena:anything I just really need someone to talk to
Annie:mk how about.....johnny
Leena:i don't even know why he came here
Loren:duh he wants you back
Annie:yeah don't you see the way he looks at you
Leena:uh but I don't know if I should take him back he said that he changed but I don't know
Loren:if I were you I would give him another chance I mean look at him 😙😘
Leena:ok I'm changing the subject what about Hayden
Annie:i swear all the boys are doing the same shit I mean kenzie isint even pretty
Leena:if you think that Johnny came back for me then why do you think Hayden is here
Annie:uh oh
Leena:so who do you like better Hayden or Carson
Annie:if I'm 100°/○honest  I still love Hayden but Carson is also cute I really don't know i at least just want to be friends with Hayden
Loren:then what are you doing here go talk to him
Annie:ugh fine
Annie goes back inside with you and loren following
Annie:Hayden can I talk to you
Hayden:id like that 😉
Annie:uh ok let's go then
They go upstairs to talk
Joey:Leena you alright
Leena:yeah I guess
Joey:it will be alright
Kissing Leena check
Back upstairs
Hayden:what did you want to talk about
Annie:why did you come back here
Hayden:*sighs* for you but it seems you like this Carson guy
Annie:i mean yeah I guess
Hayden started walking away but Annie grabbed him and kissed him
Private room
Annie:what did I just do 😐☺
End of private room

Hannie or cannie what do you guys want

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