part 5 shack of secrets

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Things may have gotten heated between joey and Leena they had a make out but no body saw them
In the morning
Asher:guys wake up
Jojo:what why
Asher:because I'm bored
You all wake up and we're just hanging out until the elevator came up with a bottle inside
Annie:what is it
Loren:let me see *grabs the bottle and opens it*it says Leena and Johnny need to make things work out Leena and Johnny need to go down into the shack of secrets
Carson:oh wow
Jacob: omg
Leena:dang it
Leena an johnny go down into the shack of secrets they pick up the tablet and Johnny reads it
Johnny:it seems like one of you still have feelings for the other but the other seemed to move on slide the tablet
Johnny slid the tablet and it was Leena and joey kissing johnny looked sort of sad Leena quickly slide the tablet again and it was johnny in the private room saying he is still in love with Leena
Johnny:um well I'm not mad at you of course
Leena:uh well can we at least be friends
Johnny:uh yeah of course
Leena and Johnny go back up and tell everyone else what happened
Carson:it's going to be ok Johnny
Private room
Johnny:i don't trust this room anymore
End of private room

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