Mystie's Ultra-Sweet New Friend

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I'm Mystie, and I don't think I'll ever have any friends. But boy, am I wrong!

It all started one lovely day when.....

  ☞ Seven weeks later...

I was drawing tufted titmice, which were my favorite type of bird, in chalk on my driveway after an OP game of Maximum Alolan Hopscotch. I never knew that an ultra-unexpected bond would begin that very moment. A jellyfish-esque Pokémon hovered nearby, and upon seeing me, it mused, "Ni?"  I murmured, "What in the name of Zygarde is an Ultra Beast doing curiously gawking at me?!" Then I said louder, "Why the heck is a Nihilego loafing around in Hau'oli City?" But instead of trying to control me, it wanted to play! After noticing my drawings and snickering as though to say, "Why do these adorable chickadees have MOHAWKS‽" I replied, " Those are their crests." Once I said I had to leave, that awkwardly cute Nihilego started whimpering like a Rockruff that wanted Liechi Berries, but its Trainer, having felt prank-ready, force-fed it Ganlon Berries. I sighed, "Fine, but I have to check with Poppa."  After telling him, Poppa said, "If it's really happy around you, then go for it!" I daintily skipped back to the driveway and broke the news to the anticipative UB. "Now as for names..." I wanted to evoke a kindred, endearing personality, so I settled on Marli.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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