The Creepy Guy

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Glitch got off the bus and sighed. She saw her bothers and smiled. Suddenly someone slammed into her making her fall over. With groan she pulled herself off of the ground and looked up to see a scary sight. (Rude)

She saw a skeleton with a blue jacket, some ripped jeans, and some sneakers. That wasn't what scared her. What scared her was the red eye and the mad look on the stranger's face.

"Watch where your going short stack. I will beat you to pulp next time" The stranger said and then got a confused look on his face. He pulled her up by her sleeve and she tried to get away. Her fear struck her and struck her hard. She began to pull and tug to get away.

He looked confused but then froze when he someone call his name. She looked behind the stranger to see PJ and sighed in relief.

"Get your fucking hands off of my sister you freak" PJ said and pulled her next to him. She hugged his side and buried her face in his coat.

"Whatever" The stranger said before walking off. Something about him bugged her and she wanted to know what.

PJ pulled her to her siblings and Moku hugged her before saying,"You scared me to death. I got off the bus and you where gone"

PJ sighed,"Don't go running off ok. Monsters here see the new kid as fresh meat and would do anything to attack them. Now lets get to class."

Palette grabbed Glitch's arm and began to drag her to the front door. "Ok, so lets get started with the tour. Whats your schedule. Dad put it in your backpack. Here you will call dad, Coach Error or Coach and you will call papa, Mr Ink." Palette said smiling and Glitch nodded.

She pulled out her schedule and showed it to Palette.

(I decided what they teached because I couldn't remember all of them)
Magic- Mr. Honey
Art- Mr. Ink
History- Mr. Nightmare
PE- Mr. Error
Math- Ms. Muffet
Astronomy- Mr. Dream
After school practice/club

"Well I guess your pretty packed then. Wow papa must really want you to learn. In that case you will be riding home on the bus. Unless you join a club." Palette said but Glitch looked unsure about the club thing.

"Well I guess I should head to class." Glitch said but quickly added,"By myself. I don't need someone always following me. I will be fine"

Palette looked a little nervous but gave in. "Ok but if I get in trouble for this, I am kicking your ass." Palette joked and Glitch chuckled.

She began to walk down a hallway when she heard more footsteps. The only problem was that she was the only one there. She was suddenly grabbed from behind and her mouth was covered by a hand.

"Shhhh, Shhhh, shhhh, we don't want your brothers to kick my ass so please don't scream. Promise you won't scream." A voice asked and Glitch nodded afraid.

The stranger let her go and she looked to see the skeleton she bumped into earlier. She wasn't scared of him like last time though. Heck she was more scared that he touched her.

"Hi, My name is Horror. I am the freak of the school and your going to be late for class. Do you mind me walking with you to class. It gets kind of lonely walking alone" Horror asked.

"Sure and my name is Glitch" She smiled and put her hands in her pockets. They walked to class and laughed along the way. When they got to the door she could see a very worried Palette.

"I am going to go ahead. Your brother wouldn't like us hanging out." Horror said and before she could say anything he walked head and into class. Glitch sighed before walking over to Palette

"OH MY GOD! THERE YOU ARE! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO HAVE TO CALL PJ AND FACE HIS WRATH!" Palette yelled in a worried voice. He hugged her and then pulled her into the classroom. They sat down and Palette sighed.

Glitch smirked and the teacher got up from his desk.

"Now that everyone is here, I would like to ask a question. What is tge main thing about magic" Mr. Honey asked.

"Power" A kid yelled from the back and Mr. Huney shook his head.

"It's determination and concentration" Glitch said and Mr. Honey nodded.

"Sure you can pick up a cup of water but to actually control and fight with these powers you have to have determination. Can anyone tell me why" Mr. Honey asked and a kid spoke up.

"Because your angry and want to fight"

"No because you have a reason that fuels your magic and the concentration is based on your emotions. If you are angry you will have more power but it will be harder to control because you are not concentrating as much as you are when you are calm" Glitch said and some kids laughed but Mr. Honey shut them up by raising his hand.

"Whats your name" Mr. Honey asked.

"Glitch. My name is Glitch" She replied and the bell rang. Great because the tension was raising in there. As she walked out of class her and Palette where stopped by some Jocks.

"Hey nerds. Why don't you go explain why we are alive or something" A Jock said and pushed them into some lockers.

"Why don't you ask your mom shitface" Glitch yelled and a Jock grabbed her jacket and held her in the air. She became scared as he slambed her into the locker.

"LET HER GO" Palette yelled as the grabbed him and held him down.

The Jock was about to punch Glitch when his arm was stopped by magic. They all looked over to see Moku.

"Leave my siblings ALONE" Moku yelled and slammed them into the lockers. Glitch got up and ran to her brother. She gave him a hug and buried her face into his jacket.

"Thanks for the save bro" Palette said as they walked to there next class.

"Oh that wasn't my magic. That was Horror" Moku said.

"But why did he help us" Palette asked
"I have no idea"

Glitch began to wonder. Why did he save them.

Mornin lads and lassies

So here is another chapter. Yay! I hope you guys liked it. It was over a thousand words so ya I made it longer than last time. I hope you guys liked the chapter.


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