Flying lessons

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A couple weeks have passed since the beginning of term and today we have our first flying lessons. True we have them with the slytherins but I can ignore that in favor of flying.

"Everyone stand by a broomstick." Madam Hooch said. We did as told I can't wait to be on the broom.

"Stick your right hand out over the broom and say 'Up'."

"Up." Everyone shouted. My broom as well as my brother's shot right up into our hands. Madam Hooch then told us after showing us how to mount our brooms to kick off from the ground rise a few feet then come back down. Neville pushed off before the whistle a was rising fast. He gasped slipped sideways off the broom and with a thud and a nasty crack Neville lay face down on the ground. I heard Madam Hooch say he had a broken wrist. We were instructed not to move until she returned. Malfoy took Neville's remembrall.

"Give it here now Malfoy." I said. Malfoy flew into the air both me and my brother mounted our brooms and went after Malfoy. Malfoy and Harry exchanged taunts then Malfoy threw the remembrall I immediately dove after it and a foot from the ground i was able to catch it.

"Marinette Potter, never in all my time at Hogwarts how dare you might have broken your neck." Professor McGonagall said.

"It wasn't her fault professor." Adrien said.

"Be quiet mister. Agreste." Professor McGonagall said.

"But Malfoy." Alya said.

"That's enough miss. Cesaire."

"Potters follow me." She wanted both of us to come with her. We hadn't even lasted two weeks. We continued walking until we reached the charms classroom. Professor McGonagall then asked to borrow Wood. Is wood some sort of punishment. A young man then came out. Professor McGonagall introduced the young man as Oliver Wood. She also said that she found him a seeker motioning to me. And said that he would have a reserve now as well.

"Perfect build for a seeker both of them. Light speedy we'll have to get them decent broomsticks. Nimbus two thousands or cleansweep sevens I'd say." Wood said. Their talking about us being part of the quidditch team. Wait until I tell Alya that I'm going to be on the house quidditch team. Wait Wood just told us that it should be kept a secret that we are part of the team. Me as seeker and Harry as a reserve. I can't wait to see Alya's face when she learns. Wait we're each allowed to tell one person. I can't tell just one of my friends. I then use the baby doll eyes on Wood.

"Fine tell as many people as you want just no more than three. Got it. We nodded our heads in agreement. We start training in a week.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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