I: The World Was On Fire

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A/N: Hi all, I've noticed that there aren't a great amount of Mission Impossible docs; which saddens me. Therefore, I'm writing one of my own. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. (PS. The story is set during the events of Ghost Protocol, going through to Fallout - with some side stories in between.)


"Hi Benji, it's Audrey, again; just calling to see how you are, it's been awhile. I know that you're busy, but just call when you've got a moment. Love you... Oh, and remember to call Mum, she's been worrying."


For the third time that day, Audrey relinquished her hold on the phone, placing it back onto the receiver. She leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and sighing deeply; dropping back into her inner-thoughts. Her elder brother, Benjamin - or, Benji, as he so fondly liked to be called - had dropped off the face of the Earth. It was to be expected, of course; as he had found a place within the CIA's IMF; a prospect which frightened Audrey (and her parents) greatly.

Whilst Benji had chosen to specialize in computers; Audrey had taken an interest in languages, and much to the surprise of her peers, excelled in everything. This life-choice, she supposed, was what brought her to the CIA herself; working as a translator. Opening her eyes, Audrey smiled, looking down at her desk; breaking herself from her reverie. Daydreaming, she thought, would certainly get her nowhere.

"Miss Dunn."

Turning slowly, Audrey was greeted by one of the many secretaries; who, in turn, was stood perfectly; prim and proper. In her hand, a small letter lay- silently waiting for Audrey's response.

Typical CIA.

Audrey smiled softly; spinning her chair, allowing the girl her full attention.

"Yes?" She enquirered brightly.

The secretary didn't return the smile. Instead, she chose to hand over envelope quickly, almost rather harshly. Audrey grasped the letter, but sent a curious glance to the young girl.

"This is from the Director, please read it and return your response as soon as possible." The secretary replied, her tone clipped; before sauntering back in the direction in which she had arrived from.

Audrey watched her go, an amused expression on her features; but soon turned her attention to the envelope and what lay inside. She ripped it open and pulled out the note. With her finger, she inspected the contents thoroughly; sitting straighter once she finished her reading. Audrey's expression quickly switched to one of anger.

"Russia?" She muttered, gripping the letter even tighter. Her brows furrowed; Audrey was in complete disbelief.

The note still in her grip, Audrey stood from her desk; ensuring her chair was safely tucked away, before storming off, in the direction of the Director's office. Audrey's kitten-heels echoing off the cold, tile floor; the sound drawing a great-deal of attention towards her. Each of her co-workers, many had been concentrating on their duties, watched on with amused expressions. Audrey simply ignored the stares; she had bigger fish-to fry. She quickly reached the Director's office; smiling at the girl who sat behind the desk outside. Audrey greeted her with a small smile.


Audrey then continued on, casually side-stepping the Secretary; who, in turn, stood quickly.

"Audrey." She returned wearily. "You can't go in there." The Secretary, Ellie, continued with a hushed-tone.

Audrey stopped, but for only for a moment; giving herself enough time to face Ellie, hands on her hips, a singular eyebrow raised. A clear challenge in Audrey's eyes; an act of disobedience in Ellie's. The friends stood, staring each other down.

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