[Part One]

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You came out of the Bathroom your short hair down and a towel around your waist to get jumped By a squealing Yuqi

"Yah What are you doing you nearly gave me a heart attack!"You Said placing a hand on your chest trying to calm your heartbeat

"I'm so so sorry Unnie! It's just Our M/V is out and I read the comments and everybody loves us"She said Jumping like a Five year old who just got a puppy

You punched her head lightly and chuckled

"You know we aren't allowed to read comments our reply to fan messages"you said shaking your head

She rubbed her head with a pout and her face

"Ouch that really hurt Holly..and I just had an urge to read it I was so worried and I thought they would hate us-"she seemed to go on and on about it until you banged her head once again.

"What was that for?"She whined again

"Nothing you were just talking to much."You said and shrugged

"But I get what you mean,now if you'll excuse me I need to go put in some clothes"you said

"Yeah Sorry Bye Holly"She said and bowed walking away from you

You put one a white T-shirt with black ripped jeans and a pink cardigan matching it with white shoes and hoop earring

"Gotta keep it classy and simple"you said to yourself winking at the mirror

You walked out of your room and went to the other members and sat on the couch next to the quiet Maknae

"What's popping girl"you said with a wink

"Annyeong Unnie"She said and looked down
"No need to be so formal that's boring Just call me Holly"You said and got up walking away

Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you looked at it
"Somebody's calling me I'm so popular"you said proudly Soojin giving you a fake laugh and smiling after
"Ha don't be jealous Unnie"you said and looked at the caller ID And picked up immediately

"Annyeong"You said and nodded at every word the Caller said even if they couldn't see you

After a five minute call you turned your phone off and looked at Yuqi

"So who was it?"She asked and you looked at her with a smug face

"That's for me too know and you to find out."You said  and she simply groaned and walked away

You left the dorm and headed to Cube entertainment. When you opened the door the cold air conditioning hit you [with that ddu ddu du] after being in the sun for too long it was very refreshing.

You walked to the front desk and showed them you ID and walked into a very modern Room you saw your manager,The CEO Park Choong-Min and Another Guy you couldn't recognize
Your Manager Pontes to a seat next to A guy with Blonde hair who looked very young about your age you smiled at him and sat down

"As you know you Four Hyuna,Hui,Hyujong and Holly, are being added to your second groups are a group for Hyuna's sake"The CEO looked at us and I scoffed
"I wasn't told that at all"I muttered but he heard me
"Well then sorry about that Holly."He said and smiled. I simply ignored it and looked at my New Secondary members

I'm in a group with these people huh?

"Well I guess I'll leave you guys to it"  was the last thing you heard before all the managers, The CEO and Other irrelevant people left you guys in the room

The three Kids who you are now in a group with started chatting excitedly about stuff you didn't care about
"I guess they already know eachother.Well Ima dash then"You said to yourself

You were planning on how to escape when one of the boys in the room who you thought was Hyojong by his ID hanging at the edge of his pants said

"For a cute girl you got quite and Attitude"he said
Even though he said it in a friendly
Let's-be-friends- Kinda way you ignored it

You Looked outside the office window to see all your bags outside

"How-why-when-who-"you stuttered

"Did they not tell you we where moving out of our dorms to move in all together until we finish our first song"Hyuna said.

"That's a Cliché"You murmured
"I just debuted and now they are moving me out of my dorm I legit just packed"You whined and they all laughed.

"It's not funny it's sad Alexa play despacito"You said and One of the children said
"You're a walking meme."
"Be quiet child"You shushed them
"How old are you Holly" E'dawn said
"12 and a half why does it matter?"you said back

"Hm well her ID says she is 22"Hui said
"So who are you To call us Children?" E'dawn said

"Well- I'm Holly."You said as if it was obvious
"Add her to the groupchat Noona"E'dawn said to Hyuna

"And start calling me Oppa, Maknae-Ah" E'dawn said

You.Oppa."You said he sighed

"What's your phone number"Hyuna asked
"I need to add you to our Groupchat"She added

"Wow-"you wiped a fake Tear
"it's a real honour to be added to your Groupchat"You said

"Just give her the Number" E'dawn said

"+82 0211 8212"you said and looked at her then you got a notification

[You have been added to a new groupchat]

You clicked on it and read the Title
"Plan H"
Then the Icon;
It was a meme
The members in the chat were
"G'morning" Which was most obviously E'dawn
Then there was LipAndTrip which was Hyuna
And Lastly there was Hui...
the only normal one huh you thought
You noticed that there was a click-more button to see
oh god then you named yourself

"Holy Holly Kawaii Desu"Hyuna said and you shrugged

"I wanna go to sleep"You whined and sat down

"Let's go then." Hui said and you looked at him

"So we could've just left that easily?"You said and he nodded

[Second chapter out soon]

Well i hope you enjoyed it..

Word count; 1061

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