Chapter 2 A Bad Birthday

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I wake up 10am the next day but instead of getting up I stare at the light that dances over my doona. I really don't want to get up. I mean nothing can go wrong in bed, right?

I pick up my phone and look through my contacts. My finger hovers of the number of my boyfriend, I about to click it when I remember that he dumped me. I know it's crazy but it's like we are meant to be together because the day that he left me, my bad luck came! Maybe it's just some freakish coincidence and that even if he didn't leave me I would still have bad luck. At the moment though it's a mystery.

I look at the the time and almost scream, it's 11:20 and my BFF's Sweet 16 birthday party is at 12. I jump out of bed and run to the window. The golden sun shines and colourful birds chirp. It's going to be a hot day.

I search through my closet and pick out a pale blue floral dress. I wear matching light blue jellies. I hurriedly walk into the bathroom. I brush my hair and put it into a high bun. To finish it off I add I bright pink bow that matches the pink flowers on my dress perfectly.

I rush down stairs and scoff some cereal them hurriedly walk out the door with my orange Country Road bag stuffed with things for tonight. I walk through the back streets my arm straining under the weight of the bag.

I arrive there with a minute to spare. Ella my bestie welcomes me in and I place my bag in the corner of her big and bright room.

After a quick catch up Ella, Matilda, Olivia and I pile into the back of the families blue car. Ella's mum enters a second later then pulls out of the driveway.

What seemed like a minute later we arrived at lunar park. Ella's mum drops us off and starts driving home.

After paying for tickets we enter the park. We go on every ride possible and we are having the time of our lives! It was almost time to go so we voted on one last ride. It was The Scenic Railway! As we got on I spy some boys from school and one if them is my crush! I realise that they won't be riding this time so they will be watching us! I excitedly whisper this Matilda and she giggles along with me.

The ride starts and we scream and laugh and have a great time that we don't even realise we were on the last big drop. I could see the boys watching us intently.

"Don't scream the boys are watching us!" I say to my friends as we approach the drop and before we know it, were laughing as the roller coaster charges down towards the ground.

We look over to the boys their mouths gape open. They really thought we were gonna scream, but we didn't. I thought triumphantly.

As we walk out the carriage, the base of my dress lifts up revealing my bright blue and purple undies. The boys erupt into peels of laughter as I press the dress down and walk away with my head bent down. I really thought I had gotten rid of my bad luck but obviously I was wrong. The bad luck still stuck to me like glue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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