Chapter 1 A Bad Day

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I lay on the green grass staring up at the plush clouds. As I stare my eyes slowly shut and I dream of a land of happiness.

After a few minutes of peaceful slumber I feel icy wind hit my bare arms. I shiver and wake up, grab my purple sweater and pull it over my head.

I snuggle back down it the soft grass and drift off again. I dream of the beach, it's huge crashing waves and it's colourful shells. I dream of its hustle and bustle as people relax under the stifling hot sun. I dream of crabs scuttling in and out of rocks and of starfish who lay there lazily all day.

My happy dream comes to an abrupt end when I feel something wet trickling down my face. I open my eyes and the fluffy white clouds that dominated the sky are now replaced with dark storm clouds. The cold rain comes down thick and fast and I run for the house slipping and sliding on the wet grass.

When I reach the house I am soaked through to the bone. My blonde hair drips onto the wooden floor and my bare feet feel like ice. I quickly walk into my bedroom leaving a trail of wet foot prints behind me. I grab some comfy clothes before heading to the the bathroom to dry myself off.

A few minutes later I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I grab a snack from the pantry. Then I open the huge fridge and the cold hits my face. I pour myself a glass of juice, turn on the tv then retreat to the white leather couch. As the characters on the show babble about something stupid I hear my mum walk in from work.

"Hello sweetie" she calls from the front door

"Don't call me sweetie, how old do you think I am ,4 because guess what I'm not I'm 16!" I reply angrily

"Okay I won't call you that, but what am I supposed to say now?" She replied

"Just a plain hello would be fine thanks" I mutter

Before mum has time to say anything I ask "What's for dinner?"

"Well I have to go back to work, so you can order pizza or something."

As my mother leaves the house a few minutes later I turn my head to the big screen in front of me. As I continue watching a loud noise from the back yard startles me making me spill my juice. I run to the sink, grab a cloth and quickly start wiping the juice of the leather. When I'm finished I run upstairs into my bedroom and change my drenched pants for the second time that day then make my way down stairs again.

After watching tv for a bit I head out the door onto the deserted street and start making my way to the pizza shop. I decided a while ago that I would eat there.

When I arrive I order my pizza and sit down on the hard metal chair. I wait patiently for it to arrive but when it doesn't after half an hour I jump up from my chair and make my way up to the counter.

"I've been here for over half and hour and my pizza isn't ready. You only have two other customers. What's taking you do long!" I demand furiously

Calmly the guy at the counter says "I will be back in a minute."

I wait tapping my for on the hollow wood floor.

The guy returns with some plate with a soggy looking pizza. I take it from him cautiously before returning back to my seat.

I take one piece of the pizza and take a huge chomp out of it. The cold cheese slides off it into my mouth and the ham is all hard. As disgusting as it is I devour it with in minutes. I leave my money on the table and trudge out the door hurriedly.

As I open the big heavy door of my house I see a stray cat clawing at the new curtains. I sprint towards it my socks sliding on the floorboards. I scream at the top of my lungs and the cat gets the picture, it sprints out the unused dog flap.

I tiredly climb up the stairs and walk into the spare room. I lift up the big cushion on the couch and pick up my diary. I put the cushion back into place and sit down. I look through my previous entries before beginning to write all the bad things that happened to me today. As weird as it sounds my whole diary is full of things that shouldn't of happened or just plain misfortunate. You see at the start of the holidays I started getting really bad luck, even the simplest task turned into disaster. Then things that were really weird started happening like today for example when it started pelting rain randomly when a second ago it was sunny . All these things keep happening and it's like I've been cursed. Well what ever is happening I have to find a way to stop it from happening before things get even more out of hand.

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