All in good harmony

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Hi! I'm back. It's been a whileeeee. But this is officially going to be my last fic unless you want some one-shots? But anyway, I've always wanted to write a hp Fanfiction where everybody got along and was technically family. I hope you guys enjoy it! Love you all❤️!

All characters belong to JK Rowling and I'm definitely NOT making any money off of this story. Just a fun idea!

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
Harry jumped, startled that Snape was right behind him.
"Eloquent as always, potter. Your coming with me."
Harry stood stock still. He tried to explain..
"But, sir! I-"
"Now. Potter."
Snape cut him off abruptly. Harry scrambled off the floor, aware of his now full bladder.
Harry mumbled, he forgot to use the bathroom after his shower earlier that night. Harry was brought out of his musings by a pale hand grabbing his wrist. He was led into a dimly light room that was well colored- well for a potions master, that is.
"Can you tell me why you were in my PERSONAL storage room at THREE IN THE MORNING, POTTER?"
Snape yelled. Harry whimpered and shrunk back. It was like uncle Vernon before a really bad beating..
"Well? I'm waiting."
Building up all the Griffindor courage, he raised his chin high and replied,
"Because I needed griffin hairs to make a potion to turn Malfoy's hair a different color."
"So. let me get this straight. you snuck out at three in the morning to my personal storage room to steal griffin hairs to make a potion-that your fans will no doubt help you with- to turn Mr. Malfoy's hair a different color?"
Harry turned red but stood his ground.
"Yes, to give him a taste of his own medicine. Now that I think about it, I should've made it for you!"
Harry all but yelled.
"I should've done this the first day of term.."
Snape muttered and grabbed Harry yet again and sat down onto an armless chair. He flipped Harry on his stomach over his knees.
"Wha- "
Harry didn't get to finish that statement because the was then a smack on his upturned bum, which his bladder didn't like at all. He gasped.
"Let this be a reminder to you potter, that you are NOT better than everyone else."
"That you are NOT going to break any more rules, lest you'll find yourself in this position more times to count."
Harry couldn't take it. He started to cry.
"I won't break any more rulesssss!" 
The smacks subsided.
"And be a good little boy?"
"A-and be a good l-little-"
At that moment, Harry's bladder decided it was the best time to release itself and make everyone know what a little boy Harry really was. He gasped and started to sob all over again.
Snape felt something warm on his lap when potter was about to finish his statement, He was ready to let him go, but he heard quiet sobs from the boy, which was undoubtedly embarrassment and he was probably worn out. Snape gave one last smack on the bottom and flipped him onto his soaked lap.
"Shhh, sh. Potter, let's go get you cleaned up and ready for bed."
Harry just continued to cry. He had just pissed on  Snape WHILE admitting he'll be a good little boy.. Things couldn't possibly get worse. Snape stood up with Harry and muttered a cleaning spell to both of their clothes. He carried potter into one of his bedrooms.
"I think you will sleep here tonight, potter."
Harry was barely awake when Snape said that, then he quietly changed Harry into pajamas with magic and laid him down on the bed. Harry was deep in sleep in the next second. Then Snape retired for the night on his own.

When it was morning, Harry sleepily opened his eyes and groaned. He rolled over on the guest bed and tried to erase what had happened last night. Before he could even try with that thought, he felt a presence behind him.
"Contrary to what you think potter, you are not going to be sleeping all day, even if it is Saturday."
Harry groaned and tried to disappear into the covers.
"Also, you are not going to drown yourself in covers. Up."
Snape tried to pry one of the blankets off, but with no luck.
"Go away!"
Snape was shocked, but it was quickly turned to anger. He landed a smack to Harry's thickly covered bottom.
"Potter, if you don't get up this instant, you will find yourself in the bathtub with a very sore bottom."
Harry grunted, but was feeling very brave this morning, whether that was due to sleepiness or his Griffindor bravo, he didn't know.
"Can't tell me what to do, you dungeon dweller."
Not even a minute after he said that, he was quickly picked up and spun around and felt another smack to his bottom.
"Ow.. What did you do that for?"
Harry asked angrily and tiredly.
"I warned you. Now that you have decided to act like a sloth, I will run your bath and wash you."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean you can't...I can honestly do it on my own.."
"No potter, I have already decided what you need. Now come."
They walked to the bathroom with Snape practically dragging Harry.
"Can I at least go to the bathroom first?"
"Fine, go pee."
Snape said and turned around, leaning against the doorway. Harry blushed.
"Without you in here."
"Either go now, or I will put you in a nappy and we can go from there."
Harry blushed Crimson and angrily stated,
"I'm not going if your standing there listening!"
Snape sighed and turned around.
"Nappy it is, then." Coming towards the way-too-small-for-his-age boy. As he grabbed for the child's pants, he instantly flinched and shouted.
"What?! No! You can't do that! That's for babies and I'm not a baby!"
Harry tried to stop Snape's hands, but he just slapped them away.
"You are certainly acting like one, Mr. Potter."
Harry's emerald eyes suddenly filled with tears.
"T-this is about last night, isn't it?"
Snape looked startled for a minute, before looking concerned.
"What are you talking about?"
"W-when I peed on y-you, sir.."
"No, you were in trouble and needed to be punished, but it was not my intention to make you have an accident."
Snape continued to tug Harry's trousers and boxers off, but he gasped when he saw all the belt scars. This was arrogant, prince potter? He was keeping secrets about his abuse? He looked at the child's face and he was crying into his elbow. It would explain the flinching and resisting..
"Potter. . . hush."
He continued getting the boy naked and filled up the tub. He then gently picked up the crying child up and set him in the tub.
"Shh, shhh, good boy."
Snape said when harry started calming down.
" 'm sorry.."
"There is no need to apologize. I am going to go get your clothes, I'll be right back."
Harry nodded while Snape left to go get Harry some jeans and a snake shirt, complete with a pull-up.
He came back and Harry was staring into space.
"Are you ready to get out now?" Snape said after he saw Harry all washed.
Harry jerked and focused on Snape and nodded. Severus held out a fluffy towel for him and he fell in it. Snape tried to get Harry dressed, but when he brought out the padded underwear, Harry started.
"What? I'm not getting into...that."
"Don't argue with me, get in."
Snape growled and bent down and opened the underwear for the boy to step into. Harry steadied himself on Snape's shoulder and stepped into them, blushing. After he was in them, Snape pulled it the rest of the way up, making Harry feel smaller than he was, but in a way, it was comforting; so he sighed,  content. Snape then got the rest of the child dressed. Then they headed to the kitchen. Snape sat down and Harry sat down right beside him, not liking the thick padding under his bum.
"Problem, potter?"
Snape said smirking. He gave Harry some of Draco's old clothes and looked exactly like him when he was still in pull-ups. Well, without the blond hair and the talkative mouth.
Harry shook his head, making a face.
"You know we have to talk about what I saw on your body this morning, potter."
Snape said after a while once they were done eating. Harry pursed his lips when Snape said that and looked away.
Still being ignored.
Harry looked up when he said his given name, confused. Snape knelt down and grabbed Harry's chin and lifted it up, so they could look at each other.
"Harry, I know it's difficult, but you have to tell me so I can help you. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. And don't try to tell me it's nothing, because it's not 'nothing', if you have scars and cuts from it."
Harry had unshed tears in his eyes.
"I'm Not supposed to tell.."
"I promise I will do everything I can to make it stop."
Snape quickly got into Harry's mind.
5 year old Harry getting a beating from a large man.
8 year old Harry doing all the chores.
10 year old Harry getting called freak.
Someone's responsibility. 
Snape pulled out abruptly. Snape usually didn't care, nor would he cuddle. But this, THIS was something NO child should have to endorse.
"Oh, potter. I'm so sorry.."
Snape picked the small child and held him close to his chest, patting his back soothingly.
"Let it out child, let it all out."
Snape whispered. That broke Harry, and he sobbed and sobbed, clutching onto the only comfort he had ever received in his short life, and that was the black robe that professor Snape was currently wearing. Suddenly the floo flared and Snape could tell it was professor Mcgonagall. She looked surprised while He glared. The professor mouthed ten minutes questionably. He nodded.
When harry was calmed down to just sniffles and hiccups, Snape  started.
"Do you feel better?"
Harry nodded, but he still had a death grip on Snape.
"I'm guessing you want to sit on the couch now?"
Harry nodded into Snape's chest. Snape walked into the living room and sat on the couch, with Harry on his lap.
"Your friends are coming in about five minutes, do you want sit beside me?"
Harry looked disappointed for a moment before slowly crawling over before a hand around his waist stopped him.
"You don't have too if your not ready yet, potter. I was merely suggesting it."
Harry looked up shyly.
"I want to, but ca-can you hold my hand?"
"Of course, you silly child."
Harry blushed, but if the smile on his face was worth anything, he was beyond ecstatic when Snape's warm hand intertwined into his.
"Thank you, sir. For everything."
"You do not need to be thanking me for simple things your aunt and uncle should've given you from the start. They should have NEVER did that, especially to their nephew. You will not be going back, not if I have a say in it."
Snape huffed. Harry looked down at his lap and smiled. Snape cared about him. Just then the floo flared again, but he heard voices.
"How is he?"
"I bet he's hurt, if he's with Snape.."
Harry knew those voices anywhere. He stood up and was trampled and hugged tightly by a redhead and a bushy haired girl.
"Mate, your okay!"
Harry winced when they hugged an especially sore spot on his back. Snape noticed it, though.
"I assure you, he is certainly not 'okay'. It has come under my vision, that Mr. Potter has been terribly wounded and needs to be healed immediately."
Snape stated, Giving all of the Griffindor's pointed looks.
"Minerva, a moment please?"
"Of course."
The slytherien and Griffindor left the room.
"Did anybody else notice professor Snape acting strange?"
Hermione asked.
"More like being human for once." Ron replied, but then they both looked at Harry. "You really okay, mate?"
"Ye-no.. Not really... You know how I was talking about the Dursley's and how bad they are?"
Hermione's eyes filled with tears and Ron looked ready to murder. Harry stepped back and continued.
"Well, I guess it was worse than I imagined.."
Harry then shed his shirt and looked down when he heard two gasps. He then felt two gentle hugs.
"You know you can tell us anything, Harry."
Hermione stated.
"Yeah, mate."
"Well, I just thought that you guys wouldn't be my friends anymore.."
"You would never-"
"-lose us Harry."
They finished together. Harry gave them a true smile.
"Thanks guys. And about professor Snape.. He's been great honest. He helped me a lot, even though he caught me last night.."
"Harry, you didn't!"
"I did.. Forgot my invisibility cloak and he caught me red handed."
"You have detention then?"
Ron questioned. Harry blushed and looked down, beginning to put on his shirt.
"Not exactly.."
"Didn't he punish you? We all know how professor Snape's temper is.."
Hermione said.
"I did get punished, just not in the way you guys are thinking.."
Harry looked over at Ron blushing because he knew Ron understood. Mrs. Weasley did it. Ron's eyes widened.
"You got a smacking from Snape?!"
Ron yelled while Harry blushed.
"Harry! Is it true? Do teachers actually do that here?"
"Geez, thanks Ron."
Harry said, rolling his eyes.
Just then a smooth silky voice interrupted. 
"It is true Mrs. Granger, If you do something that warrants that type of punishment, your head of house or the professor who caught the person can do it. Mr. Potter, come along, we're going to get you fixed up." 
Hermione and Harry blushed and Ron spluttered. Harry walked away with Snape with their hands linked.

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