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Okay, so I don't ship this, but I saw some posts like this and wanted to try my hand at one.

Draco: uncle sev! You won't believe what potter said today.
Severus: *not hardly paying attention because he's brewing a potion* Draco, how many times do I have to tell you to use. Your. Indoor. Voice.
Draco: *only caring for potter at the moment* he told me my hair is less ugly than usual!
Severus: *finally looks up and sees Draco holding his hands together, like he's about to get married and sighs* dragon, do you know if he even-
*potter bursts through the door, panting*
Harry: you- *points at draco* are really, really .. Not trustworthy.. Telling Snape out of all people..
Severus: that's professor to you, potter.
Harry: *tries to glare but fails because he's tired* mhm..
Draco: *stares at Harry like he's everything*
Harry: *turns to look at Draco and steps back but bumps into Snape*
What is with all the weird behaving?
Snape: *leaning in close to Harry's ear* He has a crush on you, break his heart and you won't be able to sit for a week, potter.
Harry: *blushing* but I- you- *blushes even harder*
Severus: calm down. I'm not going to do it now, only if you endanger yourself or hurt Malfoy.
Harry: y-yes sir. *felt Snape putting a hand on his back and shoving him forward*
Draco: you are so cute..
Harry: um-so is your smile..*blushes*
Draco: *literally dies of cuteness and blushing and leans in on Harry*
Harry: *leans in*
Draco and Harry: *kissing*
Severus: disgusting. Absolutely vile.

All in good harmonyWhere stories live. Discover now