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My heart is pounding away. It's in overdrive, threatening to break open my rib cage. Trees are flying past me causing several scratches to appear on my face and bare arms. Although I vaguely notice, my thoughts are largely preoccupied by something else. 

This is literally history repeating itself. Always the same guy trying to kill the same girl for the same reason. The usual hero swooping in at the last minute to save the day. Let me clarify because it seems to me that everybody in this blasted place has some serious intellectual issues.

The guy whom I didn't really describe is Prince Pontius. Wickedly handsome devil. Brutish features, tangled mat of black hair not unlike mine, eyes the colour of chaos. So, red as cherries. Except not really because that is way too cheerful. I don't want to say blood because blood is connected to life and he reeks of death. I am sadly not kidding. His breath smells like rotting flesh. Must be what one of you people would call a zombie. As for me, I call him Pointy. Due to his strangely angular ears, and his name. Not to mention that the real Pontius was a brave and noble soldier. He isn't worthy of the title.

The girl in the non-description who is being terrorized by the man, is Princess Arsinoe. She has long flowing golden hair that she mostly keeps in two braids. Her eyes sparkle like tiny emeralds in the sun, and her skin has more of a Greek complexion to be honest. It looks quite flattering on her. She also happens to be heir and eventual successor to the great throne of Ptolemaic Egypt. This is where you will get even more confused than you already are. So, I will explain it to you for the first time here, and probably some more later on because I think you are all idiots.

As some of you smarter Neanderthals have pieced together, we were born in Ancient Egypt. At least your society says it's Ancient, but if you look around, you can still see bits and pieces of us everywhere. Washington D.C., for example. Your Empire State Building, is really just an obelisk. But, back to the horribly timed backstory. Cleopatra didn't actually kill her sister, just forced her into hiding. So when Cleo died and Anthony died, and who knows where her daughter Selene ran off to, Arsinoe stepped up to reclaim the throne. Your historians don't know this because somebody burned Alexandria's library down. Again. Erasing any and all signs of her rule. Which is where our favorite villain Pointy comes into the story. Kind of.

Pointy is Noe's descendant down the line and was about to assume the throne. Except the people were sick of Ptolemaic rulers. Despised them. Why? Because supposedly Noe killed all of her advisers and husbands and family. Total lies, obviously, but it was enough to get a rage started. Pointy believed his bloodline to be pure, and in a rage, he asked the gods for power in order to travel back and avenge his family by having none of his family exist at all. That's where I enter the story. I'm the chick that saves the day all the time. As I am about to do as I am currently running.

Noe's dad was informed of this after an attack on her via oracle. To save the continuum, he hired somebody to counteralter the continuum. Confusing, but it's been working for now. I was blessed/cursed with the ability to not only go back in time, but also to go forward, and recently, sideways. I will explain at a later time by what I mean. So he sent for me and gave me my task, which wasn't at all hard considering I'm his niece. I have been doing that ever since. Arsinoe is only me cousin, but she is the only one on this Earth who I truly love. She never really had a mother, and I can in no way compensate for that. So we have become sisters through experience. It works.

So here we are, in a sense. For a while we always went backward in time, but it was too risky. We couldn'y afford to alter history more than we already were. So we crept slowly forward. He always finds us though. Just as he has right now. I can tell, just from looking at the state of our home.

In a little clearing there sits a quaint little shack. This time it was her and not me that had found it one day. Under normal circumstance I merely set up a shelter and that's good enough. But because it's my sister, I caved in. And the past few weeks have been luxurious indeed. I'm going to miss that.

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