TRQ (Version I) - Chapter 5 - Blowing Things up in my New and Terrifying School

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"Wake up, Sunshine!" I hear a voice cheerfully yell, and open the curtains to the windows. Since when did those windows have curtains?

I groan. "I'm not 'sunshine,' if anything, I'm the sun setting, it's kinda in my name, Evening."

I hear Vixen chuckle, "Come on, it's Wednesday!"

I open one eye. "What's on Wednesday?"

"You mean besides school?" he asks. "Your official first day of school!"

"And that's exciting because ..."

He takes the blanket and covers wrapped around me, off of me, leaving me shivering in the what-seems-like chilly morning air. "The week is half over? I don't know, I just wanted to wake you up like the good partner I am."

I groan again and reach out to smack him, but miss him - by a lot - since my vision isn't good when I just wake up in the morning. I am not a morning person, and only wake up early when I have weird dreams. I wake up early, I get a little cranky.

Vixen takes my pillows from me too, and starts smacking me with them, like we're in a pillow fight, only he's the only one with a pillow and I'm too tired to move.

"Alright! Alright!" I give in, barely able to hold my tired arms up to defend myself. "I'll get up in two minutes and get ready."

"If you're not ready in ten minutes, I'm eating what's left of the pancakes."

My eyes open wide, I jump out of bed and straight into the shower. He is NOT going to have the last of the pancakes. I could hear him chuckling as I turn the water on and get undressed.

After taking a quick shower, I get out, get dressed and brush my teeth with the same toothbrush as I did yesterday. Turns out, it was mine after all, I was so relieved when Vixen told me that last night as I was getting ready for bed. I brush my hair up in a neat - or as neat as my crazy curly red hair can be - ponytail and walk out of the bathroom.

The table was ready with a plate of strawberry pancakes and baby carrots with a cup of milk. The baby carrots formed a face on the pancakes, one with the tongue sticking out of the smile. I smiled at that.

"Hey, no no," Vixen tells me, and I look up at him.


"You can't wear that," he says and motions to my clothes.

I look down and see my usual black jeans, and oversized black hoodie. "What's wrong with this?"

"It's not the uniform," he explains and I groan for the millionth time this morning.

"I wore it yesterday, why not today?"

"Because, yesterday was your first day in Mystical, today, however, is not," he says, and points to the bathroom. "Go change in your uniform and I might not consider eating your breakfast."

"You wouldn't dare."

He picks up a carrot and eats it. "I would, and you can't stop me. You have to respect your elders."

"You're only older than me by three years!"

"Actually, two years and three quarters."

"You do realize that that's not helping your case here, right?"

He thinks about it, then rolls his eyes. "Go change into the proper clothes."

I groan, but do no further protesting and grab one of the uniforms from my dresser and go to the bathroom to change. A couple minutes, a come out, scratching my arms and legs with the grey leggings with black swirls imprinted on them and the grey long sleeved shirt with the royal seal over the heart.

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