Hot Water - Cable

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You stumble through the doors of the X-Mansion, held up by Domino and Wade on their shoulders.

"What the hell happened to you?" Cable asks, barely looking up from a gun he's polishing. You hold your arm, hiding your grimace.

"I'm fine, really. No need to get up on my account."

He just grunts, picking up another one of his weapons.

You were not, in fact, fine. You had just come back from a mission with the team, where your arm had been slashed up with a butcher knife by some crafty lowlife. You couldn't help but feel that it may have been a little easier on everyone if Cable had come and helped, but apparently he was busy here at home.

"She got splinched when she tried to apparate," Wade explains, and Yukio pops up from the couch.

"I got that reference, Wade!"

"Yes you did, Yukio," Wade smiles, blowing her a kiss and waving. You huff, and dab at the blood.

"Fuck. I'm drenched in my own blood, and it's not even my time of month."

"Fine." Nathan sighs, standing. "Let me help, so you can quit bitching and moaning."

"Like you care, Mr. I don't have time for a mission cause I'm at home jerking off to my weapons collection," you mutter, and Ellie snorts from the other room.

"Look kid," Nathan all but growls, "I've got a lot of experience healing injuries like this. If you don't want to lose the arm, we need to clean it first."

"That an invitation to share the shower, Tin Man?" you ask your teammate playfully, and Nathan immediately stops in his tracks.

"Of course not. I was only–"

"Cause Colossus has posted a new set of shower rules in the common room, and saving hot water is number four."

"Dumb rule by the way, we have amazing water pressure here," Wade comments.

"I don't want to fucking shower with you," Nathan mutters to you.

"Jesus fucking CHRIST how much more obvious could you GET?!" Wade shouts, "Just have her pussy for dinner already!"

Nathan scowls at him, before looking to you. "Could we take this upstairs, away from him?"

You whistle a little as Wade cat calls, and Nathan makes a face. "That's not what I meant."

"No?" you continue to tease, but he just growls again, grabbing your good arm with his metal one and leading you upstairs. He waits until you're both out of earshot to speak.

"You've been in a peachy mood these past few days."

"What do you expect? I just got stabbed!"

"Before the mission. You've been on edge for a week. What's wrong with you?"

"Hm. You're right. I've actually been suffering from a little known affliction called none of your god damn business!"

"I'm the one who's had to deal with your shitty attitude," Nathan grumbles.

"No, Wade's caught the brunt of it I think."

Nathan stops you. "Okay, what the fuck is wrong?"

Oh, I don't know. Sexual frustration? Physical trauma? The fact that the hottest man in this entire mansion won't look at me long enough to add anything to my spank bank???

"What's it to you?" you snap, facing him, "You avoid me anyway, since when does it matter what kind of mood I'm in?!"

"You're setting my teeth on edge," he growls, "Strutting around here like a little tramp." Your mouth hangs open a little, and he narrows his eyes. "Yeah, I know what you're doing sweetheart, I see right through your bullsh–"

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