8 - The Dead End

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Bullets were flying from every direction, towards the car and towards Dylan. Freya wasn't holding back. She was firing rounds after rounds at the attackers surrounding them. Her bullets soaring through the air, the sound almost deafening. Dylan climbed into the back seat of the car, crouching behind the seat. He took the loaded hand guns from his belt, cocking them both. The rear window of the car had been smashed to pieces from the incoming bullets. They were completely surrounded, but they wouldn't go down without a fight. 

Dylan began to fire out the rear opening, hitting two men. The two men were taken aback by the bullets but did not fall down, and Dylan almost cursed at himself. They were wearing bullet proof vests, something him and Freya were missing. He quickly crouched again, trying to come up with a feasible plan. "Freya," he shouted, "Headshots."

Dylan heard men reloading their guns, and he took the window of opportunity. He sat up slightly, taking quick aim and fired the hang guns at the two men. One of the men fell instantly, with a slight gush of blood from the man's head in sight. Dylan continued firing the rest of the remaining rounds, with no more hits. He crouched back down to reload the magazines, shoving six rounds in each. At this point, the car was being blasted by bullets. 

"We're sitting ducks here, Dylan, we need to get out of this car or we're done for!" Freya screamed, whilst firing her assault rifle. To Dylan's left, there was an alleyway. It was only a few feet away, but it was too open. At this point, the men were closing in on them. Dylan took a deep breath, before sitting up to fire more rounds out the rear window. 

"Let's go," he said, crouching again. Without hesitation, he kicked the door of the car open and made a run for it. He took long, quick strides. Bullets were flying all around him, just a few centimetres from his heels. Dylan reached the alley way without being hit. He turned around, crouching behind a large bin and noticed Freya was no where in sight. "Freya," he called. No answer. He wiped sweat from his brows, becoming anxious. 

More men closed in around the car, using it as a shield. Dylan fired more shots, which ricocheted off the car. Suddenly, a quick flash struck and Dylan lost sight. His ears rang, making him feel uneasy. He was completely disoriented, and he blinked rapidly trying to regain his vision. A few seconds later, he could slightly see a silhouette of a face in front of him. It was a girl. She was screaming, but he couldn't hear what she was saying. Slowly, he could hear slight noises. Then he could hear her, the girl, shouting for him to get up. He hadn't noticed he had fallen over on his back. The girl pulled him to his feet, and then he realised it was Freya. 

"Let's go," she shouted, dragging him down the alleyway. He quickly jogged after, trying to shake the disoriented feeling from his eyes and ears. "Dylan, keep moving," Freya urged, still pulling him by the arm. She was strong, but Dylan wasn't running as fast as he could and was slowing her down. 

"What happened?" Dylan asked, breathlessly, whilst still running. Eventually, he was able to run by Freya's side so she didn't need to pull him along. He could hear shouting from behind, and knew the attackers were on their tail. 

"Flash bang grenade," she replied. Smart, Dylan thought. 

"A little warning would have been appreciated," he said. She looked to him, still running. Her hair was blowing in the slight wind, but Dylan could barely make out her face now that they were further into the alley which was only dimly lit from the buildings at either side. 

"I was surrounded, I acted on instinct. I had no other choice," she said slowly, in-between breaths. 

"I suppose I should thank you, then," he teased, earning a frown from Freya. Dylan could feel slight drops of rain hit his face, and when the alleyway came to an end it became heavier. Within a matter of seconds, heavy rain started to fall. The splash of the rain on the ground was almost soothing. Freya yanked Dylan hard, pulling him close into the wall. He looked at her, and she had held her finger over her lips ordering him to keep quiet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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